Re: [sv-bc] Mixing of ANSI style and V995 ports in a single module

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Thu Aug 24 2006 - 17:08:19 PDT
>From: "Rich, Dave" <>

>module test (output A, input B, C);
>    reg A;
>    wire B, C;

>This comes from putting parentheses around the V1995 style input/output
>statements . I can understand someone wanting to do this when moving
>from V1995 to V2001, but I'm wondering if this would cause a problem in

I imagine that it could interfere with those complicated defaulting
rules for port lists that were brought up recently.  The existing
rules may already have some holes with ANSI-C-style port lists.  They
certainly weren't written to cover all the extra situations that could
come up with this mixed syntax.

Steven Sharp
Received on Thu Aug 24 17:08:30 2006

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