[sv-bc] $isunbounded

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 06:33:05 PST
Hi, says,

"To support whether a constant is $, a system function is provided to test whether a constant is a $. The syntax of the system function is


$isunbounded returns true if const_expression is unbounded. Typically, $isunbounded would be used as a condition in the generate statement."

Two problems:

1. "const_expression" is undefined, 22.4 uses "constant_expression".

2. The first part of the first sentence quoted, " To support whether a constant is $," is unclear and seems redundant. I think it should just be deleted.


Shalom Bresticker
Intel Jerusalem LAD DA
+972 2 589-6852
+972 54 721-1033
I don't represent Intel 
Received on Thu Nov 17 06:33:16 2005

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