RE: [sv-bc] Defparam on member of parameter struct

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 08:24:02 PST
Not quite removed.

1.3 says, "The word should is used to indicate that ... (in the negative
form) a certain course of action is deprecated but not prohibited".

1.6 says, "Clause 25-Deprecated constructs: This clause covers the
possible deprecation of the Verilog defparam statement
and the Verilog procedural assign/deassign statements."
Note the word "possible".

6.3 says, "NOTE-The defparam statement might be removed from future
versions of the language."

25.1 says, "Certain Verilog language features can be simulation
inefficient, easily abused, and the source of design problems. These
are being considered for removal from the SystemVerilog language, if
there is an alternate method for these features."

25.2 says, "The practice of using defparam statements is highly

And in addition the SV LRM acknowledges the possible existence of
defparams in code in various places and even has rules about them.

In short, defparams may be discouraged, but they have not yet been
removed from the language.


>Deprecated means that the feature has been
>removed from
>the standard
Received on Mon Nov 7 08:24:20 2005

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