RE: [sv-bc] DataTypes: section 5, revision 2

From: Brad Pierce <>
Date: Thu Nov 11 2004 - 08:41:42 PST

The section number of 5.8.1 was changed to 5.8.2 by the change
approved for erratum 254.

The final proposal would need to update the language for the
*new* 5.8.1 about type matching, too.

-- Brad

SECTION 5.8.1 Equivalent types


3) An anonymous enum, struct, or union type is equivalent to itself among
   variables declared within the same declaration statement and no other


3) An anonymous enum, struct, or union type is equivalent to itself among
   data objects declared within the same declaration statement and no other
   data types.


4) A typedef for an enum, unpacked struct, or unpacked union, or a class
   is equivalent to itself and variables declared using that type within
   the scope of the type identifier.


4) A typedef for an enum, unpacked struct, or unpacked union, or a class
   is equivalent to itself and to data objects that are declared using
   that data type within the scope of the data type identifier.
        ^^^^ ^^^^
Received on Thu Nov 11 08:40:54 2004

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