[sv-bc] ref port and interface prt declaration questions

From: Francoise Martinolle <fm@cadence.com>
Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 15:15:11 PST

When using a ref port in a module declaration, do I need to have the exact
same data type
as for the actual declaration it points to? or are they some special
connections rules between the array of pointers in module M below and the
array declaration in module TOP.

If the example below is legal, the rules should be specified.


module TOP;
reg b [2:1][2:4];

M u1 (b);

Do I have to declare :
module M (ref reg r [2:1] [2:4]); // same ranges, same size but different
port name


or is the following different ref declaration legal?
module M (ref reg r [1:0] [2:0]); // note different ranges and ort name,
but same size


Same question for interfaces:

module TOP;
   I myi[1:0](); // instantiate an array of 2 interfaces

    M u1( myi); // pass the entire array of interfaces

module M (interface bus [2:1]); // use generic interface


module M (I [2:1]); // use specific interface I

Received on Sun Mar 7 16:27:59 2004

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