Re: [sv-bc] Please respond with your #1 SV-BC enhancement priority (due by end of January)

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <>
Date: Tue Jan 26 2010 - 13:32:15 PST

Ok, I'll take a personal (not Mentor official) stab at my position on this.

I am not opposed to enhancements that are on the edge of the clarification
line. Some examples would be the following Mantis:
   2167 -- naming of anonymous blocks
   2669 -- timescale ordering
   2583 -- static ref args
This is not complete nor even necessarily my top priorities, but are
simply a few examples of things that really clarify/extend some of the
discussed intent from the last PAR.

Much more importantly, I think that BC needs to take a serious look
at issues such as the macro language, the composition of configurations
in the presence of library management, the concept of libraries as
applied to configurations and "-v" or similar pragmatic realities,
and the entire concept of separate compilation and what that might mean.

The above issues (and others) cause real issues in non-trivial design
flows and there is definite vendor divergence. Some of these are
"easier" than others in the sense that they are pure "in language"
issues versus the much more difficult flow composition issues which
are probably already intractable.

I think that doing some serious work (likely quite contentious)
on some of the above could yield much more value to the wider
user community in the long term than would be found in focusing
on feature enhancements.


Brad Pierce wrote:
> Background 1:
> Background 2:
> Background 3:
> Because of the reasons in the above links, Matt and I need your feedback on what SV-BC subscribers consider to be their #1 SV-BC enhancement priority for the next revision, and why. We'll roll it up into a short presentation to the Working Group.
> The rules --
> 0) This a public process, so all replies go to the reflector, not just to Matt or me.
> 1) You must include the number of a Mantis item. If your #1 issue is not yet in Mantis, add it first, or get someone to add it for you.
> 2) You must include a reason why this enhancement is critical for users.
> 3) Replies due by end of January.
> 4) If you believe no SV-BC enhancements should be made in the next revision, that's an OK answer, but it needs a reason, too.
> Thanks for your help,
> -- Brad

Gordon Vreugdenhil                                503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
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