FW: [sv-bc] e-mail ballot: respond by Dec 3, 8am PST

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Mon Dec 03 2007 - 06:52:09 PST
I vote No on 1619, 2102, 2106, 2217.
Yes with friendly amendments on 1339, 1571, 2184.
Comment on 329.
Yes on the others.


SVDB  329 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=329

Version V5, 2007-11-30

The wording in 25.4, "Package items can be referenced in module,
interface or program parameter and port declarations by importing the
package as part of the header to the module, interface or program
declaration," is a trifle imprecise in that the header can contain an
import not just of an entire package, but also of specific package
items, but not enough for me to vote No.

SVDB 1338 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1338

Version V6, 2007-11-30

SVDB 1339 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1339

Version V4, 2007-11-29

Friendly amendment:

Change last sentence to,
"Any white space characters at the beginning or end of the macro text
shall be removed."

(No hyphen in 'white space'.)

SVDB 1548 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1548
SVDB 1571 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1571

Version V6, 2007-12-02

Friendly amendment: 

"When a macro usage is passed as an actual argument to another macro,
the argument expansion shall not introduce new uses of the formal
arguments to the top-level macro."

"When a macro usage is passed as an actual argument to another macro,
the argument expansion does not introduce new uses of the formal
arguments to the top-level macro."

SVDB 1619 ___Yes   _x_No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1619

Version V5, 2007-11-30

The changes below which are noted with a * are required to change my
vote to Yes. The others are friendly amendments.

1A. In the introduction, change "This is an initial proposal" to "This
is a proposal".

B. Change "a similar wording for module ports could go something like:"
to "a similar wording for module ports is the following:".

*2A. In, in the sentence, 

"These default values shall be constant expressions evaluated in the
scope of the module where it is defined not in the scope of the
instantiating module,"

add a comma between "defined" and "not", change "it is" to "they are".

B. In the lines

"The informal syntax to declare a default input port value in a module
is as follows:
module module_name ( ..., [ input ] [ type ] port_identifier =
constant_expression, ... );"

change 'module' and 'input' to Bold Courier.

C. Change "If an input port is left unconnected" to "If a connection is
not specified for an input port".

*D. Change "name connections" to "named connections".

*E. Change "default ports semantics and parameter scoping resolution" to
"default port semantics and parameter scope resolution".

*F. In the example, all the keywords and only the keywords should be

*G. Change the module bus_conn from

module bus_conn (
   output logic [7:0] dataout,
   input [7:0] datain = My_DataIn,
   dataout = datain;


module bus_conn (
   output logic [7:0] dataout,
   input [7:0] datain = My_DataIn );
assign dataout = datain;
*H. Change

module bus_connect1 (
   output logic [31:0] dataout,
   input [7:0] datain


module bus_connect1 (
   output logic [31:0] dataout,
   input [7:0] datain );

3A. In, start the sentence, "If a port connection is omitted
(indicated by a missing argument in the comma separated list) to an
input port with a default value, the default value shall be used," with
"However, ".

*B. In the example, with the line, "accum accum (dataout[7:0], , clk,
rst_n); // datain gets default value 8'hFF," by connecting datain to a
fixed default value, the example no longer makes sense.

*4A. In, in "If an input port with a specified default value
has an explicit empty named port connection (i.e., .port_identifier()),"
change "port_identifier" to "port_name" to be consistent with the rest
of the subclause.

*B. In the example lines,

"accum accum (.dataout(dataout[7:0]),, .clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n)); //
datain is not in the port list, gets default value 8'hFF
xtend xtend (.dout(dataout[15:8]), .din(alu_out[7]), .clk(clk), .rst());
// rst has a default value, but has an empty port connection, therefore
left unconnected 

has a default value, but has an empty port connection, therefore left
same comment as 3B above. Also, the deletion of rst_n connecting
expression must be explicit, in red strikeout.

5A. In, Change "implicit wire declaration" to "implicit net

*B. In "To leave a port with a default value unconnected, open brackets
must be used after .name, i.e. name().", change "open brackets" to
"empty parentheses".

*C. In the line, "   alu alu (.alu_out, .zero(), .ain, .bin, .opcode);"
the parentheses after .zero are in red strikeout. I don't think that is

*D. In "The clk is connected using implicit .name port connections while
the rst_n port is left unconnected because it uses empty brackets even
though it has a default value," 'implicit .name port connections' should
be 'an implicit .name connection'. 'empty brackets' should be 'empty

E. Port names in the text should be in Courier font.

*F. Change
"The clk is connected using implicit .name port connection, but the rst
signal does not exist in the instantiation module and hence shall
generate an error even though a default port value exists."
"The clk port is connected using an implicit .name port connection, but
the rst signal does not exist in the instantiating module and hence will
generate an error even though a default port value exists." (Among the
other changes in the sentence, 'will' is more appropriate than 'shall'
in this particular place.)

*6A. In, remove all the red strikeout text at the beginning. It
is not text from the LRM, but rather from previous versions of the
proposal and should not appear here at all. It is confusing.

*B. In, "An implicit .* port connection is semantically equivalent to a
default .name port connection for every port declared in the
instantiated module with two exceptions," change "default" to
"implicit", as in the Draft 4 LRM.

*C. In "2. Using .* does not create a sufficient reference for a
wildcard import of a name from a package. A named port connection can be
mixed with a .* connection to override a port connection to a different
expression or to leave a port unconnected. A named or implicit .name
connection can be mixed with a .* connection to create a sufficient
reference for a wildcard import of a name from a package,"

the second sentence,

"A named port connection can be mixed with a .* connection to override a
port connection to a different expression or to leave a port

is not relevant to the paragraph. Move it instead to the first paragraph
of the subclause, after the sentence, "This implicit port connection
style is used to indicate that all port names and types match the
connections where emphasis is placed only on the exception ports."

*7A. In the syntax changes, the = token (for Brad) and the word 'input'
should be in bold red.

SVDB 1957 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=1957
SVDB 2102 ___Yes   _x_No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2102

Version V2, 2007-11-30

I am still unhappy with this. I still think it could be interpreted to
say that if there is an unpacked aggregate whose elements are themselves
packed aggregates (such as an array whose elements are n-bit packed
vectors), then only different words can be written in different ways
(one procedurally, one continuously), but not different bits in the same
word. I understood from the discussion that this is not so.

In particular, the text still contains this example:

struct {
bit [7:0] A;
bit [7:0] B;
byte C;
} abc;

not (abc.A[0],abc.B[0]),

The following additional statements are illegal assignments to struct
// Mixing continuous and procedural assignments to abc.A
always @(posedge clk) abc.A[7:4] <= !abc.B[7:4];

I don't think the paragraph should be deleted. Instead, I think the two
paragraphs should be combined, but in a paragraph devoted only to this
subject. So if we look at the first paragraph,

"Variables can be written by one or more procedural statements,
including procedural continuous assignments. The last write determines
the value. Variables can be written by one continuous assignment or one
port. It shall be an error to have multiple continuous assignments or a
mixture of procedural and continuous assignments writing to any term in
the expansion of a written longest static prefix of a variable (see
11.5.3 for the definition of the expansion of a longest static prefix).
The force statement overrides the procedural assign statement, which in
turn overrides the normal assignments,"

then the first two sentences should be separated into a separate
paragraph. The last sentence should be moved to the paragraph following
the example, which mentions force.
Then the remaining two sentences should be combined with the second

SVDB 2106 ___Yes   _x_No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2106

The sentence, "It shall be an error if the type_identifier does not
resolve to data type, or basic data type if specified, " is unclear to

And what is the difference between "data type" and "basic data type"?

The paragraph, "A variable declaration shall precede any statements
within a procedural block. A variable declaration shall precede any
simple reference (non-hierarchal) to that variable," seems stuck in the
middle of a bunch of paragraphs describing scope and lifetime in various

The paragraph, "Variables declared in an automatic task, function, or
block may have the lifetime of the call or activation and a local scope.
This is roughly equivalent to a C automatic variable," should go
together with the sentence, "Tasks and functions may be declared as
automatic, making all variables within the task or function automatic."
And they both should go together with the last paragraph saying,
"Variables declared to be static in an automatic task, function, or
block have a static lifetime and a scope local to the block." 

Also, the "may" in "Variables declared in an automatic task, function,
or block may have the lifetime of the call or activation and a local
scope, " makes the sentence effectively meaningless. The parallel
statement for static blocks is, "Variables declared in a static task,
function, or block default to a static lifetime and a local scope,"
which is better wording.

The first reference to type parameters should have an xref to 6.20.3.

"This is roughly equivalent to C static variables declared outside a
function, which is local to a file." - I think should be "are local".

SVDB 2152 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2152
SVDB 2163 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2163
SVDB 2169 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2169

Version V2, 2007-12-03

SVDB 2170 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2170
SVDB 2178 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2178
SVDB 2184 _x_Yes   ___No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2184

Version V2, 2007-12-02

Friendly amendment: Change 
"The system functions allowed in constant expressions when their
arguments are constant expression" to

"The system functions allowed in constant expressions when their
arguments are constant expressions"

SVDB 2217 ___Yes   _x_No  http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=2217

The placement of this text is not clear to me.
The introductory note says,

"the following text refers to "22.7.2".  That reference should be
correct assuming that Mantis 1809 is applied first since 1809 adds

But the text does not have any reference to 22.7.2.

Also, the text is this proposal places it in 22.6. I don't think that is
the place for it. 22.6 deals with only simple downward hierarchical
names and full hierarchical names. This text belongs in either 22.7 or

Also, regarding "dotted name 1:  The first name component is s1.  Since
s1 is a directly visible scope name, rule 2 applies and the name s1.x is
considered to be a hierarchical name," it is not clear to me whether and
why s1 is directly visible. It would probably be not clear to other
users as well.

Intel Israel (74) Limited

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