Re: [sv-bc] Resolving a forward typedef via a package import

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <gordonv_at_.....>
Date: Thu Sep 28 2006 - 14:18:16 PDT
I'm not quite sure that I buy your example.

If you have:
    typedef ab;
    import pkg1::ab;

I can buy that as a completion of the forward, but
what you are asserting is that the forward typedef
is completed *upon its declaration* if the type is
is a candidate from some package.

That isn't an obvious conclusion from the text and
is one that I am not sure I agree with.

An implication of such a statement is that if ANY
package has a visible type "T" then you can't forward
declare "T"  even if your intent was to have the
declaration complete locally.

I would contend that the forward declaration does
NOT count as a reference and the the completion
must either be via an explicitly named import or
by a subsequent typedef.

    typedef ab;
    typedef pkg1::ab ab;
would be fine as would my earlier example, but
your example would not.


Brad Pierce wrote:

> According to the final sentence of 4.9,
>    "Importing a typedef from a package into a local scope can also
>     resolve a type definition."
> It would be helpful to add an example of that, such as,
>     package pkg1;
>       typedef struct {logic a, b;} ab;
>     endpackage
>     package pkg2;
>       import pkg1::*;
>       typedef ab;
>     endpackage
>     module test(input a1, b1, output a2, b2);
>       import pkg2::*;
>       assign '{a2, b2} = ab'{a1, b1};
>     endmodule
> -- Brad

Gordon Vreugdenhil                                503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Thu Sep 28 14:18:19 2006

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