RE: [sv-bc] Defparam -- mixed message from IEEE standards

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Thu Jun 15 2006 - 01:53:08 PDT
It's a pain in the neck.

If I just want to add a $dumpvars, for example, I add:

module cucu;
 initial $dumpvars;

and add it to the compilation.

Why do I have to add yet another wrapper to the top-level of my

> Why, by the way, are Verilog users so fond of elaborating
> simulations with multiple top-level modules?  What would be
> so hard about instantiating all those top modules in a
> trivial top-level wrapper?
Received on Thu Jun 15 01:53:41 2006

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