RE: [sv-bc] Re: [sv-ec] No event triggers in functions?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 13:16:14 PDT
>A problem with a nonblocking assignment is that if you do an NBA to the
>function return value, it won't be returned to the expression which
>called the function. This is because the assignment is non-blocking and
>the function executes in zero time, so the function returns immediately
>with the value of the function variable before the nonblocking
>assignment finishes execution. The value is updated only afterwards.

Yes, this was the case that I thought of also.  The behavior is strange,
since each call gets back the result assigned by the previous call.

One way to prevent this problem would be to allow nonblocking assignments
in functions, except to the function return value.

Steven Sharp
Received on Wed May 3 13:16:20 2006

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