Re: [sv-bc] Mantis 1345: 10.4: "illegal" unique if/case issues

From: Greg Jaxon <Greg.Jaxon_at_.....>
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 17:33:02 PST
Steven Sharp wrote:
>>From: "Bresticker, Shalom" <>
>>[Shalom] And in unique 'if'. I admit I don't understand all the
>>discussion about interleaving orderings in that I don't think it makes a
>>difference in any normal case. Is there any such case which is not
> Except for the issue in Mantis item 1304, which is just plain wrong,
> I would call all the cases where interleaving order matters pathological.
> They could all be considered illegal, without losing anything useful.

I'd generally agree, and I'd guess the cost of detecting this at
simulation time is no worse than o(n log n) time and space proportional
to the storage addressed by the conditional tests.  Brad has often
suggested that SV prohibit side-effects here altogether, which would
probably not be practical for testbench uses; but prohibiting side-effects
on each others' logic cones is both sensible and doable.  Or there's
another alternative (below)

>>I would be happy with deleting all the discussion about
>>various orderings from the LRM and even be willing to have the LRM
>>specify evaluation in top-down order.
> I wouldn't have any problem with that.  Has anyone else implemented
> it with a different evaluation order?

There are several ways to define "top-down", given that control is
also branching into one of the conditional statement lists.  Here's
a proposal in which the case label side-effects are permitted, but
don't compromise concurrent evaluation.

Consider code where A,B,C,... stand for expressions or statements
whose evaluation order we wish to settle.

     unique case (A)
      B, C :  D;
      E:      F;
      G, H:   I; J;

Clearly A evaluates once and must be compared with {B,C,E,G,H} in order to
test that
    - only one of the branch directions is taken, or
    - only one of those case labels matches A.
In the first instance, at most one of C or H might be skipped due to
shortcut evaluation.

If A has a side-effect, my gut says that all of {B-K} should see the resulting state.

Now consider who should see side-effects in E.  I think that this
side-effect must become visible to the execution of F when A==E.  Steven's
instinct tells him that E's side-effect should probably /not/ be visible to
B, C, or D.  I agree and further argue that (by the symmetry of concurrency)
it should also /not/ be visible to G, H, I, or J.

If that branch to F is taken, control will afterward move to K, and clearly
it sees E's side-effect.  But at this juncture, F has already ignored
any side-effects that were in {B,C,G,H}, and so K should continue to
ignore them.

In this model, side-effects in case labels are "speculative" and only
committed if they appear on the "winning" branch.  This is really no
problem at all for synthesis :-)  For simulation, it looks more
complicated.  It's complexity is no worse than *detecting* side-effect
collision.  But if these side effects can trigger events, the whole
proposal looks silly.  I think embedded assignments cannot be
non-blocking, so perhaps their relationship to event scheduling
is already special in other ways that would support this "speculation".
If this is not supportable, then prohibiting side-effects (in the design
space) would be the best policy.

The final point in this definition is to say whether C and H see side-effects
of B or G (respectively).  If they do *not* see prior label-list side
effects, then they are acting like entirely separate branch guardians, and
as such they should be considered as separate case labels subject to
the uniqueness assertion - meaning that it would be illegal for A==B && A==C.

The discussion of unique case so far hasn't required one-hot
across all the separate labels, but rather one-hot across the
several label-lists.  Given that precedent, we'd expect serial,
and possibly shortcut evaluation of B then C, with C having access
to B's side-effects, even if B does not match A.

So that's a serializable parallel semantics that ought to model
the synthesized hardware reasonably well.  Side effects like $display
which have trouble being done "speculatively" are the cart which
should not be put before this horse.  I believe those effects lie outside
the design space anyway.

> I can see the possibility of someone optimizing case statements for
> efficient table lookup in a way that effectively alters the evaluation
> order.  I can't actually think of any way of doing it in the presence
> of the kinds of expressions that could have side effects, but maybe
> somebody else could.

In my proposal, the side-effects only propagate downstream along the
taken branch - never sideways into the concurrent alternatives.
This leaves them unordered yet still well-defined.
It also avoids the pathology where G's side-effect can reach D.

By "top-down" I understand Steven to mean:
   1) execute all the case labels in lexical order,
      possibly shortcutting,
      possibly triggering events due to embedded side-effects...
   2) compare and assert one-hotness
   3) execute the winning branch

That offers a lot of support for pathological cases - it
puts too much execution between the winning label and the winning branch.
I prefer to avert my eyes from pathological effects, so I propose
confining them to the taken control paths and ignoring those
done only to verify the one-hot assertion.

This counter-proposal corresponds better to a "parallel"
reading for unique case.

Greg Jaxon
Discalimer:  this is another crazy idea, with no specific relationship
to extant or planned Synopsys products.
Received on Wed Feb 22 17:38:43 2006

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