RE: [sv-ec] RE: [sv-bc] Can a function contain a fork/join/any/none?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 15:21:34 PST
>[Dave] But now we have to attach scheduling semantics to functions, consider
>how disable, fine grain process control, and randomization interact with
>the thread hierarchy.
>[Arturo] I don't believe this is true. If we treat fork/join_none is
>just one more of the many side effects already allowed by functions then
>there is nothing special about a function that creates threads as a side

Those other side effects do not create a parent/child relationship
between the function thread and the pre-existing thread it is waking
up.  The issues that Dave is raising all have to do with the extra
semantics attached to that relationship.

>[Arturo] Incidentally, all the issues you bring up must be well defined
>for tasks; I don't believe they represent anything particular for

Functions can appear in contexts where you cannot have a task.  Some
of these have been mentioned: variable declaration initializations and
continuous assignments.  So even if the issues are fine for tasks, that
does not necessarily mean they are fine for functions.

>What problem do you foresee if an exported function creates threads? As
>I stated earlier, a function can already spawn threads by modifying
>variables. Whether the function is called via DPI or not seems (to me at
>least) largely irrelevant.

Modifying variables does not spawn a thread; it can only wake up an
existing thread that is currently blocked waiting on the variable.
Since I have encountered people who believe incorrectly that
"always @(event)" spawns new processes, perhaps you have this same
idea.  Or perhaps you just mean that the awakened thread can spawn
new threads.  But in that case, those threads are children of the
awakened thread, and have no hierarchical relationship to the
thread in the function.

I don't know if there are serious issues here, but the comparisons
with tasks and with waking up other processes by writing to variables
are not similar enough to prove there are not.

Steven Sharp
Received on Wed Feb 22 15:21:43 2006

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