RE: [sv-bc] compiler directives in middle of statement

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Thu Jan 05 2006 - 12:53:04 PST
>From: "Bresticker, Shalom" <>

>But can `pragma protect occur in the middle of a statement?
>Does the LRM forbid it?

I don't know.

I do see one potential problem with it.  VPI access to encrypted code
has to be restricted, to keep it secure.  It is not clear what access
is allowed when a construct is only partially encrypted.  If you try
to give access to some properties of the construct and not others,
depending on which parts of the syntax were encrypted, it becomes very
difficult to specify the allowed access for all the possible combinations.

Steven Sharp
Received on Thu Jan 5 12:53:10 2006

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