RE: [sv-bc] Keywords

From: Mark Hartoog <Mark.Hartoog_at_.....>
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 15:29:08 PDT
Michael McNamara:
> What config allows you to do is tell the compiler to use the 
> module definition for "dff16" from the file that matches the 
> pattern "dff16*.v" from the directory "rtl" instead of the 
> from the file that matches the pattern "dff16*.vg" from the 
> directory "gates".

This is not completely correct. The config itself tells you to use 
"dff16" from a named logical library. The libmap then tells you
that the named logical library is all files that match the pattern 
"dff16*.v" in the directory "rtl".
> If everything is in one file, then config is moot.

As I have said before, while one file for the whole design does not make
sense, one file per logical library does make sense. You could certainly 
make a tool that would read the design source files and a libmap file and 
would dump out one file per logical library in the design plus a new
libmap file to make each of those dumped files be a logical library.

Configs are cells that can appear in libraries. If they cannot appear 
in the same files with modules, then now you would have dump two files
for every logical library. One with modules and udps and the other with
only configs.

Mark Hartoog
700 E. Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
650 584-5404 
Received on Tue Apr 26 15:29:19 2005

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