Re: [sv-bc] Type of integer literals

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <>
Date: Mon Jan 24 2005 - 07:54:22 PST

Yes, that is my read as well. The only reason that I raised this is
that 1364 doesn't have an "int" type so explicit stating of intent
isn't needed. In 1800, treating such constants as "int" is almost always
Ok and it is a pretty obvious thing for an implementation to want to do.
In fact, in many ways, having constants as 4-state is really unfriendly
since an "int" expression involving a simple constant then becomes 4-state.
I could easily understand (and generally agree with) someone arguing
that the presence of a simple integer in an expression should not make
an otherwise 2-state expression become 4-state. Rather than deal with
possible inconsistencies, I think that this is an area where adding the
explicit differentiation statement would be useful.

I'll now bow back out and leave this up to voting members to decide on
whether to bother with such a statement.


Shalom Bresticker wrote:

> Gord,
> Being a 1364-2001 data type, I think the simple integer literals are clearly of
> type integer and not int.
> Shalom
> Gordon Vreugdenhil wrote:
>>I noticed something the other day that should be considered for
>>clarification. In 1364-2001 (and -2500 draft), a simple integer
>>literal (i.e. 42) is an "integer". This makes sense since there
>>are no 2 state values. 1800 doesn't address whether simple
>>integer literals should be of type "int" or "integer" but
>>perhaps should be explicit about intent. In most 1364 contexts it
>>is difficult to have any user-noticeable impact, but given the
>>existence of "$typeof" and type parameters, it is now quite easy
>>to construct realistic scenarios where the difference is in fact
>>important. There are also edge cases even in 1364 expressions, such
>>as $display(1/0), in which the difference can be observed.
>>Gordon Vreugdenhil, Staff Engineer 503-685-0808
>>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)
> --
> Shalom Bresticker Shalom.Bresticker
> Design & Verification Methodology Tel: +972 9 9522268
> Freescale Semiconductor Israel, Ltd. Fax: +972 9 9522890
> POB 2208, Herzlia 46120, ISRAEL Cell: +972 50 5441478
> [ ]Freescale Internal Use Only [ ]Freescale Confidential Proprietary

Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Mon Jan 24 07:54:26 2005

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