Re: [sv-bc] Errata in SV 3.1a LRM Section 18.4: inconsistent use of error and warning

From: <>
Date: Thu Nov 04 2004 - 00:57:11 PST

Thanks, Brad.

If you want to see how the terms "error" and "warning" are used in 1364
and SV, you should search for the terms "error" and "warning" and not just
for "error message" and "warning message".

I think that different meanings for these terms might apply in the PLI
than in the HDL itself.

Looking through 1364, I think their use is not consistent.

But since SV is new, there should be an attempt to be consistent at least
from now. Certainly where the terms are used several times on the
same page.

Generally, one should be careful about specifying that some situation
will have a fatal effect, causing the simulation to end or turning
everything to X, etc. Only if there really is no alternative, no other
way to continue.

Users are a very imaginative bunch.
After 15 years using Verilog, I'm still seeing new uses occasionally.


Shalom Bresticker                        Shalom.Bresticker
Design & Verification Methodology                    Tel: +972 9  9522268
Freescale Semiconductor Israel, Ltd.                 Fax: +972 9  9522890
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Received on Thu Nov 4 00:57:21 2004

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