RE: [sv-bc] DataTypes: The wone net type

From: Mark Hartoog <>
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 11:51:25 PDT

I am somewhat confused by all this discussion. Is there some written material somewhere that
describes what is being proposed?

Single driver wires:

What is the difference between a single driver wire and the logic data type?

Does port coercion apply to single driver wires?

Can a single driver wire ever be connected to multi-driver wire through
a port? Does this imply that the combined wire can still have only a single
drive or is this just illegal.

Can you have single driver wire inout ports?

2 state wires:

What are the semantics of 2 state wires? Is there something written up some place?

Data types on wires:

I presume we are talking about struct, union and enum data types on wires. Is there
a write up on this someplace? What syntax are people thinking about?

The enum data type variables are currently initialized to the first label. Are enum wires suppose to
initialize to the first label? What value should a undriven enum wire go to?

Mark Hartoog
700 E. Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
650 584-5404
Received on Fri Oct 29 11:51:12 2004

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