[sv-bc] Comments review on Chapter 12

Subject: [sv-bc] Comments review on Chapter 12
From: Francoise Martinolle (fm@cadence.com)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 11:40:39 PDT

Here are my comments on chapter 12.

Section 12.1:
Similar to my comments in chapter 11, I would like to replace the object
framework with an object oriented class type system. The reason for this is
"framework" is very vague and kind of foreign to Verilog. Instead
describing it as
a class type system may be more illustrative to users.
The random constraints are built on top of an object oriented framework
that models the data to be randomized as objects that contain random
variables and user-defined constraints.

In the following sentence, perhaps the term object is too general and
should be qualified with class or replaced with class. In Verilog, users
may think of objects as registers
and variables. Either we replace object with class objects, or we define
the term object
at the beginning of this chapter and in the class chapter. (should also
appear in the glossary).

Objects are ideal for representing complex aggregate data
types and protocols such as Ethernet packets.

Similarly in the next sentence I would replace object-based by class-based:
Section 12.2 provides an overview of object-based randomization and
constraint programming.

Section 12.2:
page 101:
The following sentence is repeated twice:
Using inheritance to build layered constraint systems enables the
development of general purpose
models that can be constrained to perform application-specific functions.

Q: is it allowed to call .randomize method if the class has no random
constraint variables? Does this result in a runtime error?

In the following example, there is no pre_randomized or post_randomize methods
in the class XYZ. What is then the effect of calling super.pre_randomize?
Is it a legal example?
The "endtask" in the example should be removed.

class XYPair;
rand integer x, y;
class MyYXPair extends XYPair
function void pre_randomize();
$display("Before randomize x=%0d, y=%0d", x, y);
function void post_randomize();

$display("After randomize x=%0d, y=%0d\n", x, y);

Section 12.3 random Variables:
— The solver can randomize scalar singular variables of any integral type
such as integer, enumerated types, and packed array variables of any size.

Q: what about packed structs, associative arrays, dynamic arrays, If these
are included in integral types, we should remove the such as...

Note that both singular and integral should appear in the glossary.

I don't understand the following sentence:
If the array elements are object handles, all of the array
elements must be non-null. Individual array elements can be constrained, in
which case the index expression must be a literal constant.

Q: Why are all array elements of an associative array required to be non null?
Q: is the last sentence (the index expression must be a literal constant)
addressing both associative and dynamic arrays?
Q: if you have an array of packed struct S, and you randomize the array:
     myarr.randomize (does it randomize the individual struct elements
(S.a, S.b) even if
     each struct element is not declared as rand?

An object handle can be declared rand in which case all of that object’s
variables and constraints
are solved concurrently with the variables and constraints of the object
that contains the handle.
Objects cannot be declared randc.
Q: does this also applies to packed structs

Q: How do you randomize a packed union? do you provide random values for
each one of the union members? or you have to specify a single union member?

Section 12.4.1 external constraint blocks
Constraint block bodies can be declared outside a class declaration, just
like external task and function bodies:

Q: Please define exactly in which declarative context can a constraint
block appear.
Q: Does the class it constrains need to be visible?
Q: Can it constrains a class which is referred to by an XMR such as:
constraint top.mod.XYPair::c { x < y; }

Section 12.4.3:
value_range_list is a comma-separated list of integral expressions and
ranges. Ranges are specified with a low
and high bound, enclosed by square braces [ ], and separated by a colon ( :
), as in
[low_bound:high_bound]. Ranges

Verilog also ranges for part select expressions specified as [0+:3] and
[3-:3] , why isn't it allowed here?

I think we should add that the expressions or value ranges must be compile
time determinable (not dynamic).

The title of this section talks about the set membership operator but it is
not clear
what is this operator? Is it inside?
A formal definition of what is the set membership operator is needed.

Section 12.4.4 page 107
Replace: The distribution operator dist evaluates to true if the expression
is contained in the set; otherwise it evaluates
to false.
The distribution operator dist evaluates to true of the value of the
expression is contained
in the set, otherwise it evaluates to false.
Because the expression is not contained in the value set, but the value of
the expression
should be.

Optionally, each term in the list can have a weight, which is specified
using the := or :/ operators. If no weight is specified, the default weight
is 1. The weight may can be any integral SystemVerilog expression.

Q: What occurs if the same value has 2 different weights; is it allowed?

Section 12.4.7: Global constraints:

Q: Can the solver determine syntactically that this is a global constraint?

Section 12.5.3:
I don't think that these are notes, they are fairly important.
They appear to be like rules.
I suggest that each of these rules is inserted in the appropriate section
and that
section 12.5.3 is entirely deleted.

Section 12.6

I read the following multiple times and still don't understand the meaning:
The scope
for variable names in a constraint block, from inner to outer, is:
randomize()...with object class, automatic and local variables, task and
function parameters, class variables, variables in the enclosing scope. The
randomize()...with class is brought into scope at the innermost nesting level.

Page 114:
Is the meaning of :
In the example, below, the randomize()...with class is Foo.

The class to which the "randomize..with" function applies is the class Foo?

In the following sentence, replace parameter by formal:
In the f.randomize() with constraint block, x is a member of class Foo, and
hides the x in class Bar. It
also hides the x parameter in the doit() task. y is a member of Bar. z is a
local parameter.

Q: Is the rand_mode applied recursively?
random_variable is the name of the random variable to which the operation
is applied. If it is not specified
(only allowed when called as a task), the action is applied to all random
variables within the specified object.

Q: in the following sentence, is it really a compile error or should it be
a runtime error
which occurs when the statement rand_mode is executed?
A compiler error shall be issued if the specified variable does not exist
within the class hierarchy or it exists but is not declared as rand or randc.

Q: In the following, it is asusmed that singular variables do not include
packed arrays
and packed struct unions? However they are singular types.
The function form of $rand_mode() only accepts singular variables, thus, if
the specified variable is an array, a single element must be selected via
its index.

Section 12.8: Controlling constraints with constraint_mode

Q: shouldn't it be a runtime error instead?
A compiler error shall be issued if the specified constraint block does not
exist within the class hierarchy.

Section 12.9: Dynamic constraint modifications
This section should appear much earlier as an introduction (instead of a
for all types of dynamic modifications. This chapter 12 could be reorganized.

Section 12.10
An introduction to this section would be very helpful to understand how
srandom function
ties to rand variables and constraints.
In fact it in only after you have finished reading the last part of the
chapter that you understand how RNG are initialized and why.
I suggest to reorganize 12.10, 12.11 and 12.12

Especially we should introduce here the notion of a RNG for an object class
and for a thread (I still don't know what is a thread).
Then how RNG are initialized, and what are the properties of values generated
by srandom, randomize methods.

Section 12.10.2
If one argument is omitted, we should stil have the , to be consistent with
how functions
and tasks can have default arguments.
If minval is omitted, the function shall returns a value in the range
maxval .. 0.
Example: val = $urandom_range(7);

With: val = $urandom_range(7,);

The following is silly: I am against it; arguments should be matched by
position or name.

If maxval is less than minval, the arguments are automatically reversed so
that the first argument is larger than the second argument.
Example: val = $urandom_range(0,7);

Section 12.10.3
Q: I don't understand the following sentence. Is the user require to call
srandom(1) in each
program block when he wants to use constraint randomization?
The $srandom() system task initializes the local random number generator
using the value of the given seed.
The optional object argument is used to seed an object instead of the
current process (thread).
The top level randomizer of each program is initialized with $srandom(1)
prior to any randomization calls.

Q: what is the top level randomizer?
Q: what is a process thread?
Q: what is the local RNG?

Section 12.11 Random stability

The Random Number Generator (RNG) is localized to threads and objects.
Because the stream of random values returned by a thread or object is
independent of the RNG in other threads or objects, this property is called
random stability.

Q: what does the first sentence means? that we have an implicit RNG per
object and per thread?
Q: do we have a RNG for an object class if there is no rand variables in
that class?
Q: What is a thread?
Q: how can a class object return a stream of random values? (see sentence
Q: what does this paragraph tries to say? that the srandom, randomize are
stable random
methods which are independent of each other call?

Section 12.11.1 Random stability properties
This section is quite obscure.

— Thread stability
Each thread has an independent RNG for all randomization system calls
invoked from that thread. When a new thread is created, its RNG is seeded
with the next random value from its parent thread. This property is called
“hierarchical seeding.”

Q: how do you create a thread? what is a parent Thread?

Object stability is guaranteed as long as object and thread creation, as
well as random number generation, are done in the same order as before. In
order to maintain random number stability, new objects, threads and random
numbers can be created after existing objects are created.

Q: what is meant by "in the same order as before"
Q: what is object stability?

— Manual seeding

Q: does manual seeding guaranties random stability?

Section 12.11.2 Thread stability

I don't understand what is the parent thread in the example.

Hierarchical seeding. When a thread is created, its random state is
initialized using the next random value from the parent thread as a seed.
The three forked threads are all seeded from the parent thread.
Q: where is the parent thread. I don't see any srandom or urandom before
the fork.
Each thread is seeded with a unique value, determined solely by its parent.
The root of a thread execution subtree determines the random seeding of its
children. This allows entire subtrees to be moved, and preserve their
behavior by manually seeding their root thread.
Q: how are entire sub-trees moved? where/ How do you preserve the behaviour?
Do you mean the random number generated are always the same for multiple
runs of the design?
Where is the root thread?

Section 12.11.3 Object stability
Rewrite :(grammar incorrect)
This is the property that calls to
randomize() in one instance are independent of calls to randomize() in
other instances, and independent of calls to other randomize functions.
This is the property which means that calls to ...

Q: which other randomize functions?

Each instance has a unique source of random values that can be seeded
independently. That random seed is taken from the parent thread when the
instance is created.
Q: what is the parent thread. Do you mean that there will be a srandom call
in the
program block which instantiated the object?

Section 12.12:
An example of seeding the RNG externally is:
Packet p = new(200); // Create p with seed 200.
$srandom(300, p); // Re-seed p with seed 300.

Q: Is this external seeding also called hierarchical seeding?

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