[sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC-69

Subject: [sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC-69
From: Jacobi, Dan (dan.jacobi@intel.com)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 15:39:56 PST

SV-BC listing
This E-mail deals with the issue labeled as SV-BC-69 (P-0478)

See attachment (also attached to P-0478)

In General
We will enable the use of empty statements, model items and interface items
all the declaration scopes.

The following RTL will be considered legal.

        // $ROOT
        ; // this is an empty statement
        module m1(input p1);
        ; // this is an empty module item
        reg a,g,l;
        generate ; // this is an empty generate item
                assign l = 1;
        assign a = 1;
        ; // this is an empty module item
                reg c;
                ; // this is an empty statement
                c = 1;
        end ; // An empty module item follows the seq-block
        function foo(input f1);
                ; // this is an empty function statement
        endfunction ; // An empty module item follows the function
        task tas(input f1);
        ; // this is an empty function statement
        endtask ; // An empty module item follows the task declaration
                g = 1;
                ; // this is an empty statement
        join ; // An empty module item follows the fork-join block
        endmodule ; // An empty statement following the module declaration
        interface i1 (); // An empty interface item after the interface
                ; // An empty interface item

Still illegal
The proposal still keeps the following illegal
1. empty ports in port lists or port declaration lists such as :
        module (p1 , , p2); // syntax error
        interface (input p1 , , output p2); // syntax error
2. empty declarations
        ; // this is O.K. because it is an empty module item
        module dj();
        reg a;
        ; // this is O.K. because it is an empty module item
        reg c;
                reg d;
                ; // an empty declaration - syntax error
                reg e;
                ; // this is O.K. because it is an empty module item
        function foo(input a)
                reg d;
                ; // an empty declaration - syntax error
                reg e;
                ; // this is O.K. because it is an empty module item
        end unction

Proposal (BNF changes)

Main idea :
Segment 1. Replace the use of the 'statement' token with the
'statement_or_null' token
Segment 2. Replace the use of the 'function_statement' token with the
        'function_statement_or_null' token.
Segment 3. Add a null item to module_or_generate_item and
Segment 4. Remove the generate_module_item_or_null and
generate_interface_item_or_null tokens and
        use the module_or_generate_item and interafce_or_generate_item
tokens instead

Segment 1
Under A.1.3
description ::=
| udp_declaration
| module_root_item
| statement
description ::=
| udp_declaration
| module_root_item
| statement_or_null

Under A.2.7
task_declaration ::=
		'task' [ 'automatic' ] [ interface_identifier '.' ]
task_identifier ';'
		{ task_item_declaration }
		{ statement }
		'endtask' [ ':' task_identifier ]
		| 'task' [ 'automatic' ] [ interface_identifier '.' ]
task_identifier '(' task_port_list ')' ';'
		{ block_item_declaration }
		{ statement }
		'endtask' [ ':' task_identifier ]
task_declaration ::=
		'task' [ 'automatic' ] [ interface_identifier '.' ]
task_identifier ';'
		{ task_item_declaration }
			{ statement_or_null }
		'endtask' [ ':' task_identifier ]
		| 'task' [ 'automatic' ] [ interface_identifier '.' ]
task_identifier '(' task_port_list ')' ';'
		{ block_item_declaration }
			{ statement_or_null }
		'endtask' [ ':' task_identifier ]
Under A.6.2
initial_construct ::= 'initial' statement
always_construct ::= 'always' statement
combinational_statement ::= 'always_comb' statement
latch_statement ::= 'always_latch' statement
ff_statement ::= 'always_ff' statement
initial_construct ::= 'initial' statement_or_null
always_construct ::= 'always' statement_or_null
combinational_statement ::= 'always_comb' statement_or_null
latch_statement ::= 'always_latch' statement_or_null
ff_statement ::= 'always_ff' statement_or_null


Under A.6.3 REPLACE par_block ::= 'fork' [ ':' block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement } 'join' [ ':' block_identifier ] seq_block ::= 'begin' [ ':' block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement } 'end' [ ':' block_identifier ]

WITH par_block ::= 'fork' [ ':' block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } 'join' [ ':' block_identifier ] seq_block ::= 'begin' [ ':' block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } 'end' [ ':' block_identifier ]


Under A.6.4 (assuming the process rule was not removed by the EC) REPLACE statement_item ::= { attribute_instance } blocking_assignment ';' | { attribute_instance } nonblocking_assignment ';' | { attribute_instance } procedural_continuous_assignments ';' | { attribute_instance } case_statement | { attribute_instance } conditional_statement | { attribute_instance } inc_or_dec_expression ';' | { attribute_instance } function_call ';' | { attribute_instance } disable_statement | { attribute_instance } event_trigger | { attribute_instance } loop_statement | { attribute_instance } jump_statement | { attribute_instance } par_block | { attribute_instance } procedural_timing_control_statement | { attribute_instance } seq_block | { attribute_instance } system_task_enable | { attribute_instance } task_enable | { attribute_instance } wait_statement | { attribute_instance } 'process' statement | { attribute_instance } proc_assertion WITH statement_item ::= { attribute_instance } blocking_assignment ';' | { attribute_instance } nonblocking_assignment ';' | { attribute_instance } procedural_continuous_assignments ';' | { attribute_instance } case_statement | { attribute_instance } conditional_statement | { attribute_instance } inc_or_dec_expression ';' | { attribute_instance } function_call ';' | { attribute_instance } disable_statement | { attribute_instance } event_trigger | { attribute_instance } loop_statement | { attribute_instance } jump_statement | { attribute_instance } par_block | { attribute_instance } procedural_timing_control_statement | { attribute_instance } seq_block | { attribute_instance } system_task_enable | { attribute_instance } task_enable | { attribute_instance } wait_statement | { attribute_instance } 'process' statement_or_null | { attribute_instance } proc_assertion


Under A.6.8 REPLACE loop_statement ::= 'forever' statement | 'repeat' '(' expression ')' statement_or_null | 'while' '(' expression ')' statement_or_null | 'for' '(' variable_decl_or_assignment ';' expression ';' variable_assignment ')' statement_or_null | 'do' statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';' WITH loop_statement ::= 'forever' statement_or_null | 'repeat' '(' expression ')' statement_or_null | 'while' '(' expression ')' statement_or_null | 'for' '(' variable_decl_or_assignment ';' expression ';' variable_assignment ')' statement_or_null | 'do' statement_or_null 'while' '(' expression ')' ';'

Segment 2 ----------- Under A.2.6 REPLACE function_declaration ::= 'function' [ 'automatic' ] [ signing ] [ range_or_type ] [ interface_identifier '.' ] function_identifier ';' { function_item_declaration } { function_statement } 'endfunction' [ ':' function_identifier ] | 'function' [ 'automatic' ] [ signing ] [ range_or_type ] [ interface_identifier '.' ] function_identifier '(' function_port_list ')' ';' { block_item_declaration } { function_statement } 'endfunction' [ ':' function_identifier ] WITH 'function' [ 'automatic' ] [ signing ] [ range_or_type ] [ interface_identifier '.' ] function_identifier ';' { function_item_declaration } { function_statement_or_null } 'endfunction' [ ':' function_identifier ] | 'function' [ 'automatic' ] [ signing ] [ range_or_type ] [ interface_identifier '.' ] function_identifier '(' function_port_list ')' ';' { block_item_declaration } { function_statement_or_null } 'endfunction' [ ':' function_identifier ] -- Under A.6.3 REPLACE function_seq_block ::= 'begin' [ ':' block_identifier { block_item_declaration } ] { function_statement } 'end' WITH 'begin' [ ':' block_identifier { block_item_declaration } ] { function_statement_or_null } 'end'


Under A.6.8 function_loop_statement ::= 'forever' function_statement | 'repeat' '(' expression ')' function_statement_or_null | 'while' '(' expression ')' function_statement_or_null | 'for' '(' variable_decl_or_assignment ';' expression ';' variable_assignment ')' function_statement_or_null | 'do' function_statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';' WITH function_loop_statement ::= 'forever' function_statement_or_null | 'repeat' '(' expression ')' function_statement_or_null | 'while' '(' expression ')' function_statement_or_null | 'for' '(' variable_decl_or_assignment ';' expression ';' variable_assignment ')' function_statement_or_null | 'do' function_statement_or_null 'while' '(' expression ')' ';'

Segment 3 ----------- Under A.1.5 REPLACE module_or_generate_item ::= { attribute_instance } parameter_override | { attribute_instance } continuous_assign | { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation | { attribute_instance } udp_instantiation | { attribute_instance } module_instantiation | { attribute_instance } initial_construct | { attribute_instance } always_construct | { attribute_instance } combinational_statement | { attribute_instance } latch_statement | { attribute_instance } ff_statement | module_common_item WITH module_or_generate_item ::= { attribute_instance } parameter_override | { attribute_instance } continuous_assign | { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation | { attribute_instance } udp_instantiation | { attribute_instance } module_instantiation | { attribute_instance } initial_construct | { attribute_instance } always_construct | { attribute_instance } combinational_statement | { attribute_instance } latch_statement | { attribute_instance } ff_statement | module_common_item | { attribute_instance } ';' -- Under A.1.6

REPLACE interface_or_generate_item ::= { attribute_instance } continuous_assign | { attribute_instance } initial_construct | { attribute_instance } always_construct | { attribute_instance } combinational_statement | { attribute_instance } latch_statement | { attribute_instance } ff_statement | { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration | { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ';' | module_common_item | { attribute_instance } modport_declaration WITH interface_or_generate_item ::= { attribute_instance } continuous_assign | { attribute_instance } initial_construct | { attribute_instance } always_construct | { attribute_instance } combinational_statement | { attribute_instance } latch_statement | { attribute_instance } ff_statement | { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration | { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ';' | module_common_item | { attribute_instance } modport_declaration | { attribute_instance } ';'

Segment 4 ---------

Under A.4.2.1 REMOVE generate_module_item_or_null ::= generate_module_item | ';' -- REPLACE generate_module_conditional_statement ::= 'if' ( constant_expression ) generate_module_item_or_null [ 'else' generate_module_item_or_null ] ... genvar_module_case_item ::= constant_expression { , constant_expression } ':' generate_module_item_or_null | 'default' [ ':' ] generate_module_item_or_null WITH generate_module_conditional_statement ::= 'if' ( constant_expression ) generate_module_item [ 'else' generate_module_item ] ... genvar_module_case_item ::= constant_expression { ',' constant_expression } ':' generate_module_item | 'default' [ ':' ] generate_module_item

-- Under A.4.2.2 REMOVE generate_interface_item_or_null ::= generate_interface_item | ';' -- REPLACE generate_interface_conditional_statement ::= 'if' ( constant_expression ) generate_interface_item_or_null [ 'else' generate_interface_item_or_null ] ... genvar_interface_case_item ::= constant_expression { ',' constant_expression } ':' generate_interface_item_or_null | 'default' [ ':' ] generate_interface_item_or_null

WITH generate_interface_conditional_statement ::= 'if' ( constant_expression ) generate_interface_item [ 'else' generate_interface_item ] ... genvar_interface_case_item ::= constant_expression { ',' constant_expression } ':' generate_interface_item | 'default' [ ':' ] generate_interface_item --

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Dan Jacobi Phone : (972)-4-8655855

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