Proposed spec additions from our last meeting

Subject: Proposed spec additions from our last meeting
From: Karen Pieper (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 13:02:03 PDT

After reviewing the spec for the proposed wording changes from our last
meeting, I propose the
following modifications to the Spec.

For SV-BC17d:

     Before the last paragraph in Section 3.6, add the following paragraph
and example:

     Any enumeration encoding value that is outside the representable range
of the enum shall be an error.

     // Syntax error: the width of the enum has been exceeded
     enum {a=1'b0, b, c} alphabet;

For SV-BC17b:

        An enumerated name with x or z assignments assigned to an enum with no
explicit data type
        declaration shall be a syntax error.

        An enumerated name with x or z assignments assigned to an enum with no
explicit data type
        or an explicit 2-state declaration shall be a syntax error.

Let's plan on discussing/voting on these next week.


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