SV-BC Committee Meeting Date: Monday, December 4, 2006 Time: 09:00am-11:00am PDT Toll Free Dial In Number: (888)635-9997 International Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: (763)315-6815 PARTICIPANT CODE: 53904 020211 Day 439514 111000 Month 200998 000000 Year 666666 -aaaaa Matt Maidment - Intel aaaaaa Brad Pierce - Synopsys aaaaaa Shalom Bresticker - Intel a-aaaa Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design aaaaa- Surrendra Dudani - Synopsys aaaaaa Mark Hartoog - Synopsys -a-aaa Francoise Martinolle - Cadence aaaaaa Karen Pieper - Synopsys aaaaaa Dave Rich - Mentor Graphics a-aaaa Steven Sharp - Cadence aaaaaa Gordon Vreugdenhil - Mentor Graphics --aa-a Doug Warmke - Mentor Graphics -aaaaa Stu Sutherland - Sutherland HDL -aaaaa Logie Ramachandran - Synopsys aaaaa- Don Mills - LCDM Engineering -----a Rishiyur Nikhil - Bluespec a-aaaa Heath Chambers - Consultant/Trainer Agenda + Review IEEE patent policy Reviewed. + Review Minutes of Previous Meeting Gord moves to accept the minutes as updated. Mark seconds. No Opposed. Heath abstains because wasn't there. Motion passes. + Resolve date of next SV-BC conference call Next Meeting Date: December 18, 2006 + Review pending action items Reviewed + Status report from name resolution task force Gord reports currently not much activity but expected to move faster after December. + Tentative P1800 schedule for 2007 Karen discussed the tentative P1800 schedule for 2007. AI: Shalom to respond to request clarification from P1800 about apparent inconsistency with PAR. AI Completed: + Straw poll on `begin_define -- `end_define AI: Shalom to present compelling example of `begin_define -- `end_define + Issues for Voting SVDB 331 ( Update $display and other file I/O system tasks for aggregate data types Dave moves to accept proposal in 331. Gord Seconds. No opposed. Cliff and Shalom abstain. Reasons: Cliff wants champions to look at it. Shalom has a couple issues with section, never got feedback to his e-mails, not enough time to analyze, but if he finds problems with the proposal he will open new Mantis items for them. Motion passes. SVDB 1673 ( generate_block_or_null is superfluous Gord moves to accept proposal in 1673. Cliff seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Motion passes. SVDB 1484 ( Package declarations should not refer to $unit A lot of discussion about whether to add this restriction, but no consensus. SVDB 1666 ( 3.8: error in structural literal example Not much dispute about the correctness of the repaired example, but not enough time to reach consensus on the question of when implementations should evaluate assignment patterns relative to replication. + Adjourn Steven moves to adjourn + Issue Review Process: Identify subset of issues to focus committee effort Assign owners for the issues Owners bring issues to vote when draft of proposal complete Rebuttal to issues should come in the form of specific changes to proposal Guidelines for issues: - Group would prefer not to address issues that complicate merging of the LRMs or require edits to both specs. Group would prefer to address more isolated errata until next PAR is set. - Try to clarify intent of some issues even if no formal resolution. This would be useful for keeping implementations consistent. - Major Severity will be used to identify issues that if not addressed will lead to visibly different implementations. - Group will use severity to quantify impact of change. Issues will be addressed in order of severity. - Priority will indicate issue's development progress. Increase in priority indicates increased progress to proposal and vote. 'Immediate' priority indicates issue is ready for a vote. - Individuals will indicate ownership of resolution by adding themselves to the 'assigned to' field. Karen will help anyone who cannot update an issue. - Individual members can increase the severity of an issue but the group must agree to decrease severity. - Status Filed: Assigned, Resolved & Closed are key states. Issue Themes Namespaces Issues: 30, 1213, 1214, 1220 Primary Owner: Francoise Participants: Gord, Francoise, Mark, cc: Shalom, cc: Karen I/O Errata/Clarification Issues: 672, 1078, 1386: Steven ; 988: Gord Primary Owner: Steven Participants: Steven, Gord, Mark, Francoise Enumerated Types Issues: 916, 917, 1429 Primary Owner: Matt Configurations Issues: 986 (see bugnote for related items) Primary Owner: TBD (proposed as Cliff but he was not present) Scheduling Issues: 1290, 219 Primary Owner: TBD (Gord; after first round of issues are addressed) Compiler Directives Issues: 1052, 1053, 1084, 1119, 1202, 1292, 1333, 1338, 1339, 1341 Primary Owner: Shalom Name Resolution Primary Owner: Gord Participants: Francoise, Steven, Mark, Shalom. Action Items Complete 06/19/2006 Dave to draw up some guidelines about thread creation from functions for SV-BC to vote/capture consensus and pass along to other committees. (Transferred to SV-EC.) 10/09/2006 Shalom: add an additional mantis to enable parameters with dynamic data types Pending 01/09/2006 Shalom add example for issue 1254 describing situation for rule 3 03/27/2006 Cliff post examples demonstrating the need for 0-1 wildcard to justify further action on SVDB 99 Other ideas: elsex, defaultx, ifx, alwaysx, initialx, Question: what about X expression in index of Vector or array expressions (a[i] where i === 'X). Cliff to pursue further action. 04/10/2006 Steven to create proposal for SVDB 1386 04/10/2006 Steven to create proposal for SVDB 1078 05/22/2006 Gord file issue regarding scoping & forward visibility in $unit. 06/19/2006 Gord raise the issue of support of dynamic data in vcd to SV-EC. 06/19/2006 Francoise check with SV-CC regariding suitability of data read API to address debugging of "dynamic data" in lieu of vcd extensions. 07/10/2006 Steve add bugnote to 1043 about specifics for resolution 07/31/2006 Steve add bug note to 1481 with details for a clearer proposal 08/14/2006 Matt to forward request for timely updates to 1800 standard to 1800 committee and offer Dave's name if seeking participants to enable. 09/25/2006 Matt add SVDB entry to request capability to packages: import/export & non-exported (local) package declarations. 09/25/2006 Matt send feedback to sv-bc/sv-ac regarding SVDB 1601 10/09/2006 Gord/Dave: draft proposal to resolve SVDB 1484 10/09/2006 Brad: enhance 1554 proposal to prevent circularity of expressions (address use or non-use of hierarchical references). 10/23/2006 Dave will add text and legal and illegal examples to clarify issues covered by SVDB 1607 10/23/2006 Matt send example of use of forward typedef. 10/23/2006 Brad move SVDB 1609 to SV-EC 12/04/2006 Shalom to present compelling example of `begin_define -- `end_define