Section A.6.6, Syntax 7-1, Syntax 7-6, Syntax 8-3

In Syntax 7-1, in conditional_expression, REPLACE

            expression ?


            cond_predicate ?

In A.6.6, Syntax 7-6, and Syntax 8-3, REPLACE

            cond_predicate ::= expression_or_cond pattern { && expression_or_cond_pattern }


            cond_predicate ::= expression_or_cond_pattern { && expression_or_cond_pattern }


Make the subsection numbers in Annex A consistent.  For example, compare the type sizes in “A.6.6”, “A.6.7”,  and “A.6.7.1”.

In 4.15.1, each occurrence of the keyword unique should be bold.

In 4.15.3, each occurrence of the keyword and, or, or xor should be bold

At the end of  7.18.1, the last three occurrences of  the keyword byte should be bold.