Minutes of the 03/31/03 SV_BC Meeting


This is my list of attendees and voting status. Please submit corrections to johny.srouji@intel.com



(aa_a_aaaaaaaa________)                  Johny Srouji (Intel) *

(a____aaaaa__aaa_aaaaa)                  Cliff Cummings (Sunburst Design) *

(___a____a___aaaaaaaaa)                  David Smith (Synopsys)

(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)                  Karen Pieper (Synopsys) *

(aaa__aaaaaaaaaaaaaa_a)                  Kevin Cameron (NSC) *

(_aa_aaa_a_aaaaaaaaa_a)                  Steven Sharp (Cadence) *

(a______a___aaaaa_aaa_)                  Dennis Brophy (Model Technology)

(__________a__a___aaaa)                  Tom Fitzpatrick (Co_Design)

(aaaaaaaaa_aaaaaa____a)                  Gord Vreugdenhil (Synopsys) *

(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_____)                  Brad Pierce (Synopsys) *

(aaaaaaaaaaaaa_a____aa)                  Francoise Martinolle (Cadence) *

(_____aaaaa_aa_______a)                  Don Mills (LCDM Engineering) *

(_____________aa__aa__)                  Mike McNamara (Verisity)

(___a___________aaaaaa)                  Stefen Boyd (Boyd Technology)

(__________a_____aa___)                  Medi Mohtashemi (Synopsys)

(________________aa___)                  Paul Graham (Cadence)

(_a_a______a_____aaaaa)                  Peter Flake (Synopsys)

(___a____________aaaa_)                  Simon Davidmann (IEEE)

(________________aa__a)                  Heath Chambers (HMC)

(_________________aaa_)                  Dave Kelf (Co_Design)

(______a_a_a_______aaa)                  Vasisilios Gerousis (Seimens)

(aaa__aaaaa_a_________)                  Dan Jacobi (Intel) *

(__________a__________)                  Stuart Swan (Cadence)

(__________a__________)                  Adam Krolnick

(aaaaaa_aaaa__________)                  David Rich (Synopsys) *

(__________a__________)                  Yong Xiao (Synopsys)

(_a_a_aaaa_a__________)                  Jay Lawrence (Cadence) *

(_aaaaaaa__a__________)                  Matt Maidment (Intel) -

(__________a__________)                  Wolfgang Keil (Synopsys)

(_________a___________)                  Alec F. Stanculescu (Fintronic)

(_a___________________)                  Evan Rosser (Synopsys)


* indicates eligible to vote on consensus issues





  • Review of our tele-call minutes for the 03/17/03
    • Dan pointed out a typo in the original minutes (missing one of the issues – SV-BC42-33). Johny will get this fixed and resubmit the minutes.


Dave moves that we accept the minutes (pending above change). Brad seconds. No opposed. Cliff abstains. Meeting minutes pass.


  • Review of the BNF tele-call minutes for the 03/25/03
    • Dave moves that we accept the minutes. Dan seconds. No Opposed. Cliff and Gord abstain. Meeting minutes pass.


  • Discuss the overall review of the LRM Document.

The schedule for the review process as communicated by Vassilios is:


Draft 4 will be published on April 1

Draft 5 should be completed by April 15.

Each committee in addition to its own work review will attempt to review at least another committee's work. So here is the assignment that we ended up with:

      a- SV-EC will review the work of SV-BC.

      b- SV-BC will review the work of SV-EC.

      c- SV-AC will review the work of SV-CC.

      d- SV-CC will review the work of SV-AC.


We decided to review the relevant EC sections (as marked by the EC issue in the LRM) which are part, or whole, of the following chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, BNF, Annex A, B, D


à Johny took the action item to double check that we have not missed any “EC” relevant chapter w/ David Smith


The issue whether members who were part of both sv-bc and sv-ec, are eligible to participate in the review process was raised.


à Johny took the action item to check this w/ Vassilios, but at this stage it was assumed that it is OK.


à Johny will also check w/ Jay Lawrence and Matt Maidment on which chapters they can volunteer to review.


After some discussion, we reached the following list of chapters assignments:


Chapters 1, 13 à Cliff Cummings

Chapter 20 à Brad Pierce

BNF, Annex A, B à Dan Jacobi

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 à Dave Rich

Chapters 11, 12 à Francoise Martinolle

Chapter 15 à Karen

Chapter 8 à Dennis

Chapters 9, 10 à need to be assigned


The following process was agreed upon:

·        Every chapter(s) owner will review and send his comments to Johny and Karen – Due date: Friday, April 4

·        Johny will compile into one list and submit to all by Sunday, April 6. The same list will also be sent to David Smith

·        SV-BC will have a meeting next week, Monday April 7 to discuss the compiled list.

à Johny to check w/ David Smith if he can attend the sv-bc meeting, as it will help in answering some of the comments we may have

·        The compiled list shall be modified based on the committee discussion, after which it will be forwarded to Stu