Minutes of the 03/25/03 SV_BC BNF Meeting


Attendees: Karen Pieper, Johny Srouji, Dan Jacobi, Dave Rich, Matt Maidment, Brad Pierce



BNF Issues Discussed


·         SV-BC106: Function sequential block matching name, email on the reflector is: http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0670.html. Second part.

Dan moves that we accept this proposal. Karen seconds. No opposed. No Abstain. Proposal Passes.


·         SV-BC73: Proposal reflector under: http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0508.html. This was voted by email and documented as part of the 03/17/03 meeting. Dan moved to cancel this proposal and documented reasoning under the first part of reflector http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0670.html.


Dan moves on canceling the proposal (SV-BC73). Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Proposal Passes.


·         Issue SV-BC84-1: This was voted by email and documented as part of the 03/17/03 meeting. Email reflector under: http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0558.html.

Proposal was changed according to the document which was sent by Dan and attached to email reflector http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0672.html (document name is bnf_changes.doc).

The new proposal can be found at the beginning of page 3 (titled: SV-BC84-1 and SV-BC74)


·         Dave proposal under reflector http://www.eda.org/vlog-pp/sv-bc/hm/0664.html. Dan proposed the following amendment to the proposal:



In section A.2.9 ADD to the production of modport_simple_ports_declaration

      | 'ref' [data_type] list_of_port_identifiers"


In section A.2.9 ADD to the production of modport_port

      | 'ref' [data_type] list_of_modport_port_identifiers



Karen moves that we accept Dave’s proposal with Dan’s amendment. Dan seconds. No opposed. No Abstain. Proposal Passes.