Minutes of the 03/17/03 SV_BC Meeting


This is my list of attendees and voting status. Please submit corrections to johny.srouji@intel.com



(a_a_aaaaaaaa________)                  Johny Srouji (Intel) *

(____aaaaa__aaa_aaaaa)                  Cliff Cummings (Sunburst Design) *

(__a____a___aaaaaaaaa)                  David Smith (Synopsys)

(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)                  Karen Pieper (Synopsys) *

(aa__aaaaaaaaaaaaaa_a)                  Kevin Cameron (NSC) *

(aa_aaa_a_aaaaaaaaa_a)                  Steven Sharp (Cadence) *

(______a___aaaaa_aaa_)                  Dennis Brophy (Model Technology)

(_________a__a___aaaa)                  Tom Fitzpatrick (Co_Design)

(aaaaaaaa_aaaaaa____a)                  Gord Vreugdenhil (Synopsys) *

(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_____)                  Brad Pierce (Synopsys) *

(aaaaaaaaaaaa_a____aa)                  Francoise Martinolle (Cadence) *

(____aaaaa_aa_______a)                  Don Mills (LCDM Engineering) *

(____________aa__aa__)                  Mike McNamara (Verisity)

(__a___________aaaaaa)                  Stefen Boyd (Boyd Technology)

(_________a_____aa___)                  Medi Mohtashemi (Synopsys)

(_______________aa___)                  Paul Graham (Cadence)

(a_a______a_____aaaaa)                  Peter Flake (Synopsys)

(__a____________aaaa_)                  Simon Davidmann (IEEE)

(_______________aa__a)                  Heath Chambers (HMC)

(________________aaa_)                  Dave Kelf (Co_Design)

(_____a_a_a_______aaa)                  Vasisilios Gerousis (Seimens)

(aa__aaaaa_a_________)                  Dan Jacobi (Intel) *

(_________a__________)                  Stuart Swan (Cadence)

(_________a__________)                  Adam Krolnick

(aaaaa_aaaa__________)                  David Rich (Synopsys) *

(_________a__________)                  Yong Xiao (Synopsys)

(a_a_aaaa_a__________)                  Jay Lawrence (Cadence) *

(aaaaaaa__a__________)                  Matt Maidment (Intel)

(_________a__________)                  Wolfgang Keil (Synopsys)

(________a___________)                  Alec F. Stanculescu (Fintronic)

(a___________________)                  Evan Rosser (Synopsys)


* indicates eligible to vote on consensus issues





·         Review of SV-BC meeting for the 03/03/03: Karen moves to accept the meeting minutes. Dave Seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Meeting minutes passes


·        Open Proposals Review:

o       SV-BC72: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0500.html

SV-BC73: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0508.html
SV-BC74: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0511.html
SV-BC80:    http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0534.html

SV-BC81-1: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0535.html

SV-BC84-1: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0558.html
SV-BC79: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0564.html
SV-BC42-16: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0565.html

SV-BC42-24: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0567.html
SV-BC42-33: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0568.html
SV-BC26-2: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0576.html
SV-BC42-11: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0579.html

SV-BC91: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0590.html
SV-BC62c: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0591.html
SV-BC65: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/att-0592/02-ArrayStruct_nobars.pdf
SV-BC18f: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/att-0595/01-port_connection_rules.pdf
SV-BC19-60: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0598.html


All of the above proposals passed by email voting.


o       SV-BC30: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/att-0284/06-Peter-action-items.txt

§         Proposal Passed.

o       SV-BC70: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0477.html

§         Objection by Danny on the 2nd half.of the proposal. As for the half of the proposal:

In A.9.3, type_declaration_identifier needs to be changed


   type_declaration_identifier ::=

       type_identifier { packed_dimension }


                  type_declaration_identifier ::=

                  type_identifier { unpacked_dimension


Danny moves to accept this proposal. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Proposal Passes.


As for the second half of the proposal, Brad withdrawed it and therefore it shall be dismissed.


o       SV-BC39: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0514.html

Francoise had a comment with minor modifications:

chi.master should be changed to ch1.master

illegal should be changed to illegal_i


Therefore, the example will now become:


   interface i;

          wire x, y;

          interface illegal_i;

            wire a, b, c, d;

            // x, y not declared by this interface

            modport master(input a, b, x, output c, d, y);

            modport slave(input a, b, x, output c, d, y);

          endinterface : illegal_i

          illegal_i ch1, ch2;

          modport master2 (ch1.master, ch2.master);

   endinterface : i


   interface illegal_i;

           // a, b, c, d not declared by this interface

           modport master(input a, b, output c, d);

           modport slave(output a, b, output c, d);

   endinterface : illegal_i


Karen moves that we accept this proposal, given that we make the amendment of changes. Francoise seconds. No Opposed. No Abstain. Passes.


o       SV-BC81: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0518.html

No action required. Passed


o       SV-BC78: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0530.html

The following modifications were suggested:


   import task masterRead(),

          task masterWrite());


   import masterRead,



            Change “ahall” (typo) to “shall”.            


Brad moves to accept this proposal after the change. Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Proposal passes.


·         SV-BC82: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0538.html

Proposal is superceded.


·         SV-BC83: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0539.html

An amendment was sent by Peter, reflector 0654. Dave moves that we accept this proposal. Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Proposal passes.


·         SV-BC59: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0556.html

Brad moves to accept. Dave and Karen second. No Opposed. No abstain. Proposal passes.


·         SV-BC84: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0577.html

Proposal is superceded.


·         SV-BC75: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0569.html

Should remove the last sentence starting from "Some tools may automatically ..."

Dave Moves that we accept this proposal. Matt seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Proposal passes.


·         SV-BC21-1: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0580.html

Karen moves that we accept this proposal w/ no changes. Dave seconds. Matt, Brad agree. Stephen, Francoise opposed. Gord abstains. Proposal passes.

However, Gord made the comment that there was not enough time to discuss the future interactions w/ IEEE and was concerned from the difficulty of getting this into alignment w/ IEEE and other vendors.

Therefore, a second voting was done:

Karen moves that we remove the proposal we just passed and table the issue to 3.2. Gord seconds. Dave Opposed. No abstain. Proposal passes.

è SV-BC21-2 shall be tabled to LRM 3.2


·         SV-BC86: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0608.html

Karen moves that we vote for it. Brad seconds. Dave opposes. No abstain. Proposal passes.


·         SV-BC69: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0610.html

Dan moves that we accept this proposal. Brad seconds. Gord, Karen, Matt,

Stephen, Francoise Abstain. Dave Opposed. Proposal passes.


Dan moves to remove the last line. Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes.


·         SV-BC96: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0623.html

Danny moves that we accept the proposal in 0623.  Dave seconds. No opposed.  No abstain. Passes.

Karen will register a new issue to describe the behavior of 'signed as $signed, etc.


·         SV-BC77-1: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0640.html

Matt moves that we postpone to 3.2.  Dave seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

Ref BNF is needed. Default direction for interfaces ref/inout needs wording.


·         SV-BC98: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0638.html     

Matt moves that we postpone to 3.2.  Dave seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.


·         SV-BC99: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0639.html

Dave moves that we postpone to 3.2. Gord seconds. No opposed. No abstain.  Passes.


·         SV-BC32: http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0641.html

Dave moves that we drop the proposal and delay the issue to 3.2.  Steven seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes. Someone besides Peter needs to work on this.  Jay seems to understand the issues.


·         SV-BC61:  http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0642.html

Dave moves that we accept the language and add it at the end of section 18.5.1 in draft 3.  Steven seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.


·         SV-BC61a:  http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0647.html

ADD TO DRAFT 3 SECTION 4.7 BEFORE "A dynamic array can"


An array of wires can be assigned to an array of variables having the same number of unpacked dimensions and the same length for each of those dimensions, and vice-versa.

            wire [31:0] W [9:0];

            assign W = A;

            initial #10 B = W;


Matt moves that we accept this language.  Gord seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain. Passes.


·         SV-BC53:  http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0649.html

Dave moves that we accept the proposal.  Brad seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain. Passes.

Karen will create a new issue to look at assignment operators in assertions.


·         SV-BC100:  http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0650.html

Gord moves that we delay this to 3.2.  Steven seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain. Passes.


·         SV-BC101:  http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/0652.html

Karen to move valid to SV-EC.

Gord moves that we move this to 3.2.  Brad seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain. Passes.