Minutes of the 3/3/03 Meeting of the SV-BC. This is my list of attendees and voting status. Please submit corrections to johny.srouji@intel.com: (_a_aaaaaaaa________) Johny Srouji (Intel) * (___aaaaa__aaa_aaaaa) Cliff Cummings (Sunburst Design) * (_a____a___aaaaaaaaa) David Smith (Synopsys) (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) Karen Pieper (Synopsys) * (a__aaaaaaaaaaaaaa_a) Kevin Cameron (NSC) * (a_aaa_a_aaaaaaaaa_a) Steven Sharp (Cadence) * (_____a___aaaaa_aaa_) Dennis Brophy (Model Technology) (________a__a___aaaa) Tom Fitzpatrick (Co_Design) (aaaaaaa_aaaaaa____a) Gord Vreugdenhil (Synopsys) * (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa_____) Brad Pierce (Synopsys) * (aaaaaaaaaaa_a____aa) Francoise Martinolle (Cadence) * (___aaaaa_aa_______a) Don Mills (LCDM Engineering) * (___________aa__aa__) Mike McNamara (Verisity) (_a___________aaaaaa) Stefen Boyd (Boyd Technology) (________a_____aa___) Medi Mohtashemi (Synopsys) (______________aa___) Paul Graham (Cadence) (_a______a_____aaaaa) Peter Flake (Synopsys) (_a____________aaaa_) Simon Davidmann (IEEE) (______________aa__a) Heath Chambers (HMC) (_______________aaa_) Dave Kelf (Co_Design) (____a_a_a_______aaa) Vasisilios Gerousis (Seimens) (a__aaaaa_a_________) Dan Jacobi (Intel) * (________a__________) Stuart Swan (Cadence) (________a__________) Adam Krolnick (aaaa_aaaa__________) David Rich (Synopsys) * (________a__________) Yong Xiao (Synopsys) (_a_aaaa_a__________) Jay Lawrence (Cadence) * (aaaaaa__a__________) Matt Maidment (Intel) (________a__________) Wolfgang Keil (Synopsys) (_______a___________) Alec F. Stanculescu (Fintronic) * indicates eligible to vote on consensus issues ** SV-BC BNF meeting on 01/29/03 was not taken into account for attendance. Minutes of the 2/27/03 Meeting Steven has voting rights. This change needs to be noted. Gord moves we accept the minutes. Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Schedule for the next two weeks: 3/3/03 Discuss existing proposals 3/7/03 Email vote of all proposals filed as of Thursday Midnight 3/17/03 Discussion of all failed proposals Francoise moves that if someone objects to a proposal, we can have a discussion via email, and voters may change their vote in response to updated proposals. Dave seconds it. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Removal of features from the language changed is gone char instead of byte--Brad moves that we remove char. Steven seconds. No opposed. Dave abstains. Passes. Steven will make the proposal. applications of assignment as expression SV-BC85 P-0561 Gord moves that we make the following changes: Change the title of Section 7.3 to Assignment Operators In the third paragraph of Section 7.3: REPLACE: SystemVerilog also includes the C incrementor and decrementor operators WITH: SystemVerilog also includes the C incrementor and decrementor assignment operators In section 7.3, after the paragraph that begins "SystemVerilog also includes ...", ADD the following paragraph -- It shall be illegal to include an assignment operator in an event expression, in an expression within a procedural continuous assignment, or in an expression that is not within a procedural statement. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Discuss SV-BC07e We require a cast unless you are using an assignment operation. Karen moves that this addresses the issue and that we can close this item. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Discuss SV-BC64 The issue is that the BNF allows Multiply dimensioned arrays. The LRM doesn't explain how terminals are connected on multidimensional rows. Karen moves that we delay consideration of multidimensional instantiation to 3.2. Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Is there a difference between an interface identifier and a hierarchical name? SV-BC19-60: Dave moves that we disallow generic interface ports in non-ansi style ports on both interfaces and modules. Brad moves that we only allow interface ports with ansi style ports on interfaces or modules. Straw pole: Kevin: Abstain Steven: Brad's proposal Gord: Dave's proposal Brad: Dave's proposal Francoise: Dave's proposal Dan: Dave's proposal Dave: Dave's proposal Karen: Dave's proposal Dan to propose BNF changes for Dave's proposal. SV-BC89: Dan moves that in the BNF, REPLACE: name_of_gate_instance ::= gate_instance_identifier [ range ] name_of_udp_instance ::= udp_instance_identifier [ range ] name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier [ range ] With : name_of_gate_instance ::= gate_instance_identifier { range } name_of_udp_instance ::= udp_instance_identifier { range } name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier { range } Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Voting on all of the open proposals SV-BC30 -- Delayed for email vote SV-BC19-12 -- Dan and Dave to make a proposal P-0468 Replace type_declaration in A.2.13 with ---(typedef, period is in bold) type_declaration ::= typedef data_type type_declaration_identifier ; | typedef hierarchical_identifier . type_identifier type_declaration_identifier ; Dave moves the above change. Brad seconds. No opposed. Steven abstains. Passes.