Minutes of the 1/29/03 Meeting to address BNF issues for SV-BC Attendees: Karen Pieper Dave Rich Brad Pierce Johny Srouji Dan Jacobi Francoise Martinolle Issues: 19-49-1: Dan moves that we add the keyword edge as a keyword. Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-49-2: Danny moves we change the following under A.6.5 from : event_expression ::= expression [ iff expression ] | hierarchical_identifier [ iff expression ] | [ edge ] expression [ iff expression ] | event_expression or event_expression | event_expression , event_expression edge ::= posedge | negedge | changed to: event_expression ::= expression [ iff expression ] - ("iff" in bold) | hierarchical_identifier [ iff expression ] - ("iff" in bold) | [ edge_identifier ] expression [ iff expression ] - ("iff" in bold) | event_expression or event_expression - ("or" in bold) | event_expression , event_expression - (comma "," in bold) Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-2: Karen moves we accept the proposal in message 350. Danny seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 54-1: In the parameter_declaration production, change the word type to bold font. Danny moves. Johny seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 63: Section 8.5? implies that typedef of hierarchical types is for interfaces only. We need to rework the section and clarify the BNF as to the answer. 50: Danny to send a proposal, for email vote? 64: Are there multiple dimensions on arrayed instances? If so, how do the ports get bit-blasted? If not, the BNF needs to be fixed. 19-34, 19-65: Danny proposes that we change A.6.2 REPLACE: variable_assignment ::= variable_lvalue = expression WITH: variable_assignment ::= operator_assignment inc_or_dec_expression Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-44: We will get back to this one because it will be superseded by later proposals. 54-2: Danny moves that in A.8.3, we replace the constant_param_expression WITH constant_param_expression ::= constant_expression Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-46a: Danny moves we REPLACE inc_or_dec_expression in section A.8.3 WITH: inc_or_dec_expression ::= inc_or_dec_operator { attribute_instance } variable_lvalue_item variable_lvalue_item { attribute_instance } inc_or_dec_operator Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-49: ETF passed 181. Danny moves we accept it. Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-50: Danny moves we remove the last two concatenation rules in primary. Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-49, 52, 53: Dan moves we REPLACE net_lvalue in A.8.5 WITH net_lvalue ::= hierarchical_net_identifier {'[' constant_expression']'}['['constant_range_expression ']'] | '{' net_lvalue { ',' net_lvalue } '}' Dave seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. Dan moves that we remove net_concatenation and net_concatenation_value productions from A.8.1 Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-44, 54, 55: Dan moves that we replace variable_lvalue production in A.8.5 with: variable_lvalue ::= hierarical_variable_identifier { '[' expression ']' } [ '[' range_expression ']'] | '{' variable_lvalue { ',' variable_lvalue } '}' REMOVE variable_lvalue_item production. In A.8.1: remove variable_concatenation and variable_concatenation_value productions. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-66: Closed. Danny can send a proposal to the SV-EC. 60: Dan will make a new proposal 55: BNF allows packed integer arrays. Dave move that we: REPLACE: A.2.2.1 Net and variable types data_type ::= integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } [ range ] | integer_atom_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } <-- this is not allowed | type_declaration_identifier | non_integer_type | struct [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } } | union [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } } | enum [ integer_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } ] { enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] { , enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] } } | void WITH: A.2.2.1 Net and variable types data_type ::= integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } [ range ] | integer_atom_type [ signing ] | type_declaration_identifier | non_integer_type | struct [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } } | union [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } } | enum [ integer_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } ] { enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] { , enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] } } | void Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 19-51, 19-62, 19-48: Danny moves that we add a footnote to the time_literal production in A.8.4: The unsigned number or fixed point number in time_literal shall not be followed by a white_space. Karen seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 38: Closed as same as ETF 53 covered earlier today. 37: Brad moves that we delete footnote 7 in the BNF. Francoise seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 35: Dan will propose a merging of the 2001 and 3.1 BNFs for things where they diverged.