Kevin to make a proposal on bytes in integers. Karen to track down the source of this action. Karen to arrange logisitics of face-to-face on 1/22/03 and BNF meeting. Gord to see if a member of the VCS team will write up VCD descriptions for all types. A commitment for time exists. Proposal will come in late (1/31/03 earliest). Dennis (Keith Gover (Model Tech) to make a proposal on DSM. With Dave Roberts at Cadence. Dave Roberts indicates that Synopsys published a paper, so no action required? Peter will clarify extern fork/join semantics. In particular: Disabling calls for joined tasks needs to be clarified Need to document the behavior for modules that do not define interface tasks. (SV-BC16) Gord will make a proposal to describe the granularity of error checking on logic types in the presence of mixed continuous and procedural assignments. (SV-BC18) Gord will figure out where to put a note about the resolution being owned for @* in the ETF. Gord will communicate the ETF resolution. Dave Rich / Cliff will make a proposal describing port directions and/or collapsing are possible with logic type and the associated restrictions. (SV-BC18g) The proposal is to make strict direction checking for the SystemVerilog verilog ports. This raises an open issue for structured wires. Dave / Cliff will propose some language indicating that when a logic type has an initializer, all assignments must be procedural. (SV-BC18h) Dave / Cliff will propose some language indicating that logic types cannot be driven by primitives that pass strength: MOS switches, etc. (SV-BC18i) Gord will develop wording for restricting type use before definition, especially with respect to generate and upward defparams. Dave will develop language to clarify the description of time precision and time scale. (SV-BC2) Peter will develop language to address issues with time variables and literals. (SV-BC8-5) Steven will develop language to clarify the meaning of type "matching" in structural literals. (SV-BC7c) Stu will implement the global replacement of masked with 4-state and unmasked with 2-state. (SV-BC8-7) Steven to spot check if it was fixed. Gord will propose shortreal equivalents of $bitstoreal and $realtobits (SV-BC9-10) And incorporate Karen's language correcting the shortreal and 32 bit object conversions. Done. Peter will propose language for what can and cannot appear in a constant expression. (SV-BC12) Gord will propose language describing the implicit sensitivity list for always_comb, noting that always_comb is equivalent to always @(sensitivity) (SV-BC21) Karen will develop language for auto-increment. (SV-BC6) Karen will add an example and send out for an email vote. Karen will notify the guys at that the Web pages are gobbling the pdf files. Done.