AR - Issues 19-34, 19-65. 

“Expand variable_assignment to include inc_or_dec assignment and operator_assignment.  Then we can simplify the BNF for these assignments.  Dan to send a proposal.”



Currently the BNF does not permit the parsing of for loops using the following in the loop’s step assignments:

for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) …              // this example is taken from section 8.4 in

//  the System Verilog LRM

for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i += 1) … 


Although the SV-EC committee addressed the for loop statement I do not think they addressed this issue. The current BNF causes inconsistency between the BNF and the example in the System-Verilog 3.0 LRM.


The Suggested Change:

The general idea is to add the operator assignment  and the auto increment/decrement assignment to the variable_assignment syntactic category. (This is similar to the genvar_assignment syntactic category.)


Under A.6.2

Replace:            variable_assignment ::= variable_lvalue = expression            <bold =>

With :               variable_assignment ::= operator_assignment

| inc_or_dec_expression


This change will enable the parsing of such statements

for ( var++; var > 50; --var) …

for (var +=4; var < 50; var *= 5) …

assign var++;              // procedural continuous assignment

force var += 5;

release --var;


This proposal, if accepted should replace the issues listed as SV-BC-19-34 and SV-C-19-65. 


AR - Issues 19-48, 19-61, 19-62: 

“Is white space allowed between #1 and ms for time_literals?  Delayed to get Dave's feedback.  Jay found that no space is allowed. 


Dan moves that we add two footnotes to the time_literal production to indicate that no white space is allowed between the numbers and the time_unit.  He will draft a proposal.”


Motivation :

According  the BNF the following statement is ambiguous.

and #1 ps (out,in1,in2);

The word ‘ps’ can be considered to be a time unit. (Specifying the delay of the and gate to be one Pico-second.). The ‘ps’ word can also stand for the name of the gate instance.


Note that section 2.5 in the LRM resolves this ambiguity by specifying:

“Time is written in integer or fixed point format, followed without a space by a time unit (fs ps ns us ms s)”.


The Suggested Change:

Add a footnote in the BNF indicating that the number of time units may not be followed by a white space, before the time unit.

Under A.8.4

Replace :             time_literal ::=

unsigned_number time_unit

| fixed_point_number time_unit


With :               time_literal9 ::=                                                 <superscript 9>

unsigned_number time_unit

| fixed_point_number time_unit                               


Under the “NOTES” section (following A.9.5)

Add :                9)  The unsigned_number or fixed_point_number in time_literal shall not

      be followed by a white space.


This proposal, if accepted should replace the issues listed as SV-BC-19-48, SV-C-19-61, and SV-BC-19-62. 


AR – Issues 19-49, 19-52, 19-55 

“Dan will determine the proposal to vote on next time.”


Issues 19-49, 19-52, and 19-55 were filed to the ETF as ETF # 181. The ETF # 181 issue is still in the proposal state.


However Issues 19-52 and 19-55 were also filled as part as ETF # 53. The ETF # 53 issue’s status is ‘vsgpassed’.

ETF # 53 also disables the use of a non-constant index operation is a net_lvalue or a variable_lvalue using a concatenation operator. This illegal indexing is demonstrated :

mynet[index] = 1;                  // this is illegal

{ mynet[index] } = 1;               // this is legal according to the BNF.


ETF # 53 suggested fix (

net_lvalue ::=
hierarchical_net_identifier {'['constant_expression']'}  ['['constant_range_expression']']
| '{' net_lvalue { ',' net_lvalue } '}'

variable_lvalue ::=
hierarchical_variable_identifier {'['expression']'} ['['range_expression']']
| '{' variable_lvalue { ',' variable_lvalue } '}'

* Eliminate productions:


My suggestion is to :


The Suggested Change:


Under A.8.5

Replace :         

net_lvalue ::=


| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }

| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }

[ constant_range_expression ]

| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_range_expression ]

| hierarchical_net_identifier ( [ constant_expression { , constant_expression } ] )

| net_concatenation


With :

net_lvalue ::=

hierarchical_net_identifier {[constant_expression]}                      <bold []>

[ [constant_range_expression] ]                                   <internal [] in bold>
| { net_lvalue { , net_lvalue } }               <external {} in bold> <bold ,>


This change includes issue SV-BC-19-52 and is part of ETF #53.


Replace :

variable_lvalue_item ::=


| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }

| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] } [ range_expression ]

| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]

| variable_concatenation


With :

variable_lvalue_item ::=
            hierarchical_variable_identifier {[expression]}             <bold []>

[ [range_expression] ]                            <internal [] in bold>
| { variable_lvalue { , variable_lvalue } }             <external {} in bold> <bold ,>

This change includes issue SV-BC-19-55 and is part of ETF #53 after some adjustments.




Dan Jacobi
