Label Item Status When AI
SV-BC1 Deprecation Complete None
SV-BC2 Time precision and timescale Peter to lead discussion
SV-BC3 Dynamic process control Complete None sv-ec item
SV-BC4 DSM (negative timing check) Dennis & Steve to make proposal
SV-BC5 Data alignment and packing 7/22/2002 sv-ec; Kevin proposal on bytes in integers
SV-BC6 Clarify auto increment/decrement Peter to make a proposal
SV-BC7 (Section 2) literals
SV-BC7a (2) Size of '1 Complete 7/22/2002
SV-BC7b (2) Signed arithemetic Complete 8/19/2002
SV-BC7c (2) Strings as array and structure literals Peter to examine Superlog
SV-BC7c (2) Legal locations for array & struct lits 7/22/2002 Steve to say if this is resolved
SV-BC7d (2) Analyze-time ambiguity concat vs lit Complete None
SV-BC7d (2) Amb: struct lit & concat on union formal ?? (Clarification in union section?)
SV-BC8 Cadence section 3 issues
SV-BC8-1a (3) Why char type? Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1b (3) Why shortint Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1c (3) Orthogonality between int, integer Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1d (3) Longint issues Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1e (3) Is byte useful? Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1f (3) Bit is likely to match variable names in old code Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1g (3) Logic is also likely to match user's names Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1h (3) unsigned as a keyword? Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1i (3) Utility of shortreal Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-1j (3) Is void necessary Complete None SV-CC to discuss, Cliff to forward
SV-BC8-2a (3) Data packing issue - struct element ordering Complete 8/19/2002
SV-BC8-2b (3) Unions and 4 state members Peter to reword for clarity
SV-BC8-3 (3) Type use before definition Peter to explain why this is needed
SV-BC8-4 (3.1) Parameterized data types
SV-BC8-5 (3.4.1) Issues with type data type
SV-BC8-6 (3.6) Implications of Enum type I/O Francoise to propose text, Cliff examples
SV-BC8-7 (3.7) Definition of masked and unmasked
SV-BC8-8 (3.7) Size requirement on packed union members
SV-BC8-9 (3.7) Passing large structs/arrays
SV-BC8-10 (3.8) Conversion of short reals to 32 bits
SV-BC8-11 (4.2) Packed array of signed
SV-BC8-12 (5.3) Constant expression
SV-BC8-13 (6.1) Attribute syntax
SV-BC8-14 (9) Process execution efficiency when calling C
SV-BC8-15 (9.1) Interleaving of execution
SV-BC8-16 (9.1) Scheduling algorithm
SV-BC8-17 (9.1) Issues with dynamic processes
SV-BC8-18 (13) Interfaces vs. Modules
SV-BC8-19 (13.1) Interfaces restrictions
SV-BC8-20 (13.1) Scheduling issues
SV-BC8-21 (13.2.3) Interface usage issues
SV-BC8-22 (13.4) Modports issues
SV-BC8-23 (13.5.4) Issue with extern forkjoin task
SV-BC9 Parameterized data types
SV-BC10 VCD and displaying enums
SV-BC11 Members of signed packed arrays signed? Steve?
SV-BC12 Constant exprs; difference among decls Paul Graham?
SV-BC13 Change BNF to simplify attributes Cliff to send to 1364
SV-BC14 (9) Process execution efficiency Erich Marshner, Kevin?
SV-BC15 Clarify interleaving, event scheduling
SV-BC16 Interfaces: enhancements/simplifications
SV-BC17 (More Section 3) comments Steve, 7/8/02 14:14
SV-BC17a (3) predefinition of integer types not required
SV-BC17b (3) 2 state Enums and x assignments
SV-BC17c (3) limits on automated enumerations 
SV-BC17d (3) auto-increment and enum overflow
SV-BC17e (3) Type checks not done in =, arguments, <
SV-BC17f (3) Hierarchical path and struct/union using "."
SV-BC18 (Section 5) Steve, 7/8/02 14:14
SV-BC18a (5) "static" was rejected by 1364
SV-BC18b (5) Automatic variables use outside of subroutines
SV-BC18c (5) Variable initialization event generation
SV-BC18d (5) Performance of automatic initialization
SV-BC18e (5) Automatic variables triggering events?
SV-BC18f (5) Logic type appears superfluous
SV-BC18g (5) Is the logic type similar to a net?
SV-BC18h (5) logic variable initialization when a port
SV-BC18i (5) Logic variables have strength? MOS outputs
SV-BC19 Dan Jacobi's issues 9/11/02 02:00
SV-BC19-1 (7)^~ is missing from precedence table
SV-BC19-2 (13)Missing () on interface examples
SV-BC19-3 (A.1.1) Extraneous [] on library declaration 
SV-BC19-4 (A.1.1) back tic required before include directive
SV-BC19-5 (A.1.2) Extraneous [] on liblist_clause
SV-BC19-6 (A.1.3) Wrong rule for some mod instantiations
SV-BC19-7 (A.1.3) Wrong rule for some interface insts
SV-BC19-8 (A.1.4) Enable concatenated ports
SV-BC19-9 (A.1.6) missing ; after port declaration
SV-BC19-10 (A.1.6) unnecessary productions used
SV-BC19-11 (A.2.1.2) identifier should not be bold
SV-BC19-12 (A.2.1.3) typedef syntax clarification needed
SV-BC19-13 (A.2.2.1) incorrect dimension added
SV-BC19-14 (A.2.2.1) unnecessary square brackets
SV-BC19-15 (A.2.2.3) delays () required on delays
SV-BC19-16 (A.2.3) simplify a production
SV-BC19-17 (A.2.3) simplify a production
SV-BC19-18 (A.2.6) enable default type decls on functions
SV-BC19-19 (A.2.7) enable default type decls on tasks
SV-BC19-20 (A.2.9) typo in named_function_proto
SV-BC19-21 (A.3.1) range already parsed
SV-BC19-22 (A.4.1.1) unnecessary []
SV-BC19-23 (A.4.1.1) unnecessary []
SV-BC19-24 (A.4.1.1) unnecessary range specification
SV-BC19-25 (A.4.2.1) unnecessary production
SV-BC19-26 (A.5.4) [] need to not be bold
SV-BC19-27 (A.6.4) semi-colon needed
SV-BC19-28 (A.6.4) issues with function_call_statement
SV-BC19-29 (A.6.4) semi-colon needed
SV-BC19-30 (A.6.4) issues with function_call_statement
SV-BC19-31 (A.6.5) redundant rules for event expression
SV-BC19-32 (A.6.6) redundant productions for if
SV-BC19-33 (A.6.6) redundant productions for if
SV-BC19-34 (A.6.8) expand for-loop expressions
SV-BC19-35 (A.6.8) redundant repeat loop declaration
SV-BC19-36 (A.6.8) remove ;
SV-BC19-37 (A.6.9) changes to support null arguments
SV-BC19-38 (A.6.9.1) add a function call statement
SV-BC19-39 (A.6.10) bold [] on constant expression
SV-BC19-40 (A.7.5.3) posedge and negedge redundant
SV-BC19-41 (A.7.5.3) redundant rule
SV-BC19-42 (A.7.5.3) redundant rules
SV-BC19-43 (A.8.2) genvar_function_call not used
SV-BC19-44 (A.8.3) odd syntaxes allowed
SV-BC19-45 (A.8.3) redundant production
SV-BC19-46 (A.8.3) attributes and auto-increment conflict
SV-BC19-47 (A.8.3) redundant production
SV-BC19-48 (A.8.4) time/instantiation naming conflict
SV-BC19-49 (A.8.4) expression simplification
SV-BC19-50 (A.8.4) redundant operators with {} and {{}}
SV-BC19-51 (A.8.4) ambiguity with time/instantiation
SV-BC19-52 (A.8.5) simplification of grammar
SV-BC19-53 (A.8.5) illegal syntax?
SV-BC19-54 (A.8.5) illegal syntax?
SV-BC19-55 (A.8.5) illegal syntax?
SV-BC19-56 (A.9.3) not bold []
SV-BC19-57 (A.9.3) not bold []
SV-BC19-58 (A.9.4) enable select indexes of hier ref
SV-BC19-59 (B) keywords transition/endtransition not used
SV-BC19-60 interface instantiation w/o ports not supported
SV-BC19-61 complex delay expressions only within ()
SV-BC19-62 time literals in expressions only with ()
SV-BC19-63 attributes not allowed on ++, --
SV-BC19-64 functions with no ports allowed
SV-BC19-65 automatic operators allowed in loop iteration
SV-BC19-66 parameter declaration in $root
SV-BC19-67 default initialization of unpacked structs
SV-BC19-68 hierarchical identifier selects
SV-BC19-69 single declaration definition in modport decls