RE: [sv-bc] RE: [sv-ac] New keywords in SV-AC proposals

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Tue Mar 18 2008 - 14:00:33 PDT
>From: "Brad Pierce" <>

>Just a short note about your last point --
>The existing built-in enum method 'next()' needn't be a backward
>compatibility problem for a new keyword 'enum'.  See friendly amendment
>in bullet 11 here
>eb2308.txt> .

Can it be done?  Well, yes.  But that does not make it a good idea.
It is clearly an ugly kludge, and such things tend to lead to problems.
Some specific problems:

1. It requires special rules in the BNF and in parsers.  That makes the
   BNF harder to read and understand, and more prone to errors.  It makes
   parsers more prone to bugs.
2. It requires care to ensure that there is no ambiguity between the
   two meanings of the keywords.  And every time you add another such
   special case, the complexity of the interactions with the previous
   special cases becomes greater.
3. Some of the built-in data types, such as mailboxes and semaphores, are
   considered to be classes and can be extended to create derived classes.
   What if we wanted to go back and do the same for enums?  You would be
   unable to replace the next() method with your own version, since it is
   a reserved word.  Unless you also wanted to add next() to the BNF for
   declaring a method.  The ugliness in the BNF grows...
4. I'm not sure you can do operator binding to the next() function, since
   most operators are already defined for enums via autocasting to their
   base integral type.  But if you can, or if you could derive a new type
   from enums as in 3 above, and wanted to be able to bind an operator to
   next(), you would then need to add next() to the BNF for operator
   binding.  The ugliness just keeps growing...

That was just off the top of my head.

Clean design avoids problems; bad design invites them.

Steven Sharp

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