Re: [sv-bc] Current status of name resolution "to-do" work

From: Neil Korpusik <Neil.Korpusik_at_.....>
Date: Mon Nov 05 2007 - 18:41:13 PST
Sorry about that, the notes are attached this time.


Neil Korpusik wrote On 11/05/07 06:39 PM,:
> Attached is a copy of my unofficial notes that I took during
> the name resolution meeting that we had this morning. They will
> not be approved as official minutes of the meeting, but some
> of you may find them useful anyway.
> Neil
> Gordon Vreugdenhil wrote On 11/05/07 02:11 PM,:
>>Here is a short summary of name resolution work that was
>>discussed in today's meeting as well as some pending
>>Mantis work that I know about.
>>1)  $unit ::  is for disambiguation only
>>     Gord to propose
>>2)  rules for resolution into structs and classes in terms
>>     of downwards/upwards resolution
>>     Agreement: no "desperate binding" after we get to a struct
>>                or class attempt that fails
>>     Gord to propose
>>3)  tf binding rules for compilation units
>>     Current proposal is attached to 1809; no feedback yet.
>>4)  bind -- rules to follow suggestions discussed with AC
>>          -- no $unit/import refs; can only refer to names
>>             that would be hierarchically visible
>>     Mark to propose
>>5)  inline constraints -- can use "local ::" to bypass special
>>     resolution rules.  Only permitted in an inline constraint.
>>     Arturo to propose
>>6)  typedef forms for type params, interface types, and forward types
>>     -- an explicit typedef is required to permit access to types
>>        within a class referenced through such forms
>>     Gord to propose
>>7)  extern method type resolution
>>     -- "parameterized_class :: " shall only be used for scoping and
>>        shall never denote a default specialization.
>>     -- "parameterized_class :: " shall be required for an extern function
>>        body declaration return type to name a type in the class
>>     -- "parameterized_class :: " shall only be legal within the parameterized
>>        class or an extern method
>>     Gord to propose
>>8)  forward typedefs to parameterized classes shall be legal.
>>     -- no definite agreement yet on whether such a forward would
>>        require an explicit specialization for the default type;
>>        Gord and Mark to post some examples for discussion.
>>     Mark to propose
>>All - try to add "related" links to Mantis 2109 to track issues.
>>Thanks to all for a very productive meeting.
>>Please follow-up with any clarifications, corrections, etc.

Neil Korpusik                                     Tel: 408-276-6385
Frontend Technologies (FTAP)                      Fax: 408-276-5092
Sun Microsystems                       email:

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SV-EC Committee Meeting
Monday November 5 2007  11:00am - 1:00pm PST

Special meeting on name resolution issues
"Unofficial notes" taken by Neil Korpusik 
This was a non-voting meeting.
When you see (?) in these notes, it means I'm not sure I recorded it properly 

   ------- Attendees ----------
   Arturo Salz
   Dave Rich
   Francoise Martinolle
   Neil Korpusik
   Gordon Vreugdenhil
   Melvin Cardoza
   Mark Hartoog
   Mike Burns

List of related mantis items:
Mantis 2109 - the anchor point for all name resolution mantis items.

How to make progress on name resolution issues

    Dave - Has been writing up some proposals on what was agreed to so far.
	 - declaration before use - he has written a proposal - Mantis 2106
    Gord - 
	a. task and functions - no feedback yet - Mantis 1809
	b. bind issues 
	   svac is ok with what we talked about last time. 
	   It just needs to be written up 
	c. $unit - Gord is writing it up - only used for disambiguation, 
	   not for forward references.  
        d. downward resolution - Gord is writing it - will be tough to write up
	   can't do a rewrite of all relevant sections - too time consuming

AI/Mark - write up the bind stuff.

    Gord - would like to continue with a discussion on direction instead of 
	   existing specific mantis items. 
         - authority of input and output for modports is one topic
    Mark - Gord are you ok with the local:: proposal?
	 - some users like that local:: binds to the object first
    Gord - ok with it if users are ok with it 
 Mike B. - still need a way to specify resolution outside of the object
	 - if using an opaque type, users are expecting something to be there.
    Mark - local::obj forces it to look into the target object
    Gord - local:: implies this property must exist inside the object
    Mark - need to decide if local:: allowed anywhere other than 'randomize with'
	 - allow for class extensions?
   Gord  - only needed for 'randomize with' - not class extensions
	 - type inheritance for opaque types  (?)
   FM    - why use 'local' instead of the object name?
  Arturo - you may not have the...
  Gord   - inside a loop, automatic functions, etc.
	 - there are cases that are problematic when trying to specify 
	   what is participating. 
   Mark  - 'a' that is being used and there is a variable named 'a'
   Gord  - issues with imports and how resolutions happen there. 
	 - for a parameterized class, if the base is an opaque type, there is 
	   an explicit way to talk about the base (super) and can then default 
	   to visible resolution. 
   Mark  - local:: can be used to force outside the class. 
	 - if local:: used elsewhere it is a no op?
         - should local:: cause a wildcard import? 
    Gord - if it is an error for the wildcard import case, need to be careful
	   about going against normal resolution rules. 
         - for inheritance, need to be careful about whether there are 
	   special rules or not. 
         - local:: - for inline constraints - it is clear
		   - not sure what it should be for other contexts. 
  Mike B - axis of the names space 
	   local - just look at lexical scopes  - his idea
   Gord  - lexical scope for classes - can't split it that way
	   can't have access to class properties that way(?).
         - opaque type as a base - what rules do you want to have, when you 
	   don't know if they resolve into the base or not. 
    Dave - if don't say obj.randomize() 
  Arturo - already in a class scope 
    Dave - nothing special about 'with' clause anymore. 
	 - the only time 'with' is a problem is when say obj.randomize with()
 Arturo  - only a problem when in the method of another class - 2 object 
	   are involved in that case. 
    Gord - randomize with - in a method that has a local x
	   the x in the inline are this.x (not the method x)
	 - when call randomize with for an implied 'this' - the resolution rules 
	   get interesting
  Mark   - a variable with same name as field of a class - issue a warning?
    Gord - there are 2 issues being mixed here 
	 - for inline constraints 
	   local:: - identifier is to use normal lookup rules for randomize
    Dave - obj.randomize with - local could say don't look inside 
    Gord - the this can be implicit - can't talk about it structurally in 
	   this case. 
         - if inside a method and call randomize with - can still have a 
	   problem. Need to be careful about what local means. 
	   obj. - part of it can be implicit
    Dave - this.randomize with - local:: 
    Gord - start resolution in context of statement.
	 - class properties take precedence in this case
         - agrees with Mark in that if there is possible confusion, the 
	   implementation should ask if you know what you are doing. 
         - it is well defined, but could be a surprise 
  Arturo - says that methodology can take are of these corner cases. 
    Gord - local proposal
	   follows the inline constraints
  Arturo - typical use of randomize with is not in IP

     Gord - let's now move off of inline constraints...
     Gord - local:: - could also be used for opaque base classes
	  - not sure that it helps in that context
	    still have issues with an undecorated identifier
	    How deal with its resolution when in a method of a class that
	    has an opaque base. 
	    Hard to know that to do if don't know if in the inheritance type. 
   Arturo - can use 'super.' or 'this.' today
   Gord   - what about the undecorated name
   Arturo - should have what it has today 
   Dave   - inline constraint - what is search rule in this case?
-->Gord   - first look into target object 
   Arturo - then look into local scope
   Gord   - local:: is strictly redundant except for inline constraint cases
   Mike   - there isn't a target except for inline constraints (Gord agreed)
   Gord   - local:: says to start searching with normal rules. 
	  - only has an effect when special rules are in effect - which is the
	    inline constraint case. 
   Mike B - 'with' is not a normal scope 
    Dave  - finally came around to agreeing with the gist of what Gord was 
	    saying about inline constraints being a special case. 
          - would like to see similar syntax though
   Mark   - if randomize with is only place that local:: will change
	    anything, should we make it illegal for other places. 
	    Would allow future extensions without changing backward compatibility
   Mike B - if I were a user, would assume the following:
	    when have a class in a module - using a type parameter 
	    if use local in this class - want local to go to module scope 
   Gord   - that is different from today - so in that case local would be 
	    defining new semantics. 
   Mike B - would then prefer to not allow local in other places. 
   Gord   - agrees with Mark - disallow local:: in other places. 
	  - we currently only have a good use for it with inline constraints
   Mike B - is local the best word to use? 
   Mark   - local is already an existing keyword. 
   FM     - do we even need the word local - can we just use ::?
   Gord   - not violently opposed to :: - possible parse issue
   FM     - could use 'output'
   Mark   - could use 'extern'
   Dave   - can't we use a scope name?
   Gord   - that may require a named block around the randomize call
   Dave   - there may be a case to be made for upward referencing within a 
	    lexical scope
   Mark   - if open that door, people may ask for that in other places. 
	  - What scopes can you refer to 
	    modulename::something - from not inside that module
	    Not an upward reference in this case.
   Dave   - clearly there needs to be some limit to allowing this
	    needs to be a lexical scope, not a hierarchical scope
   Mark   - it would need to be an upward reference, in other words
   Dave   - name on LHS must have already been seen (declared)
   Gord   - local:: - makes it clearly a special case
   Dave   - local::function_name 
   Gord   - not a problem, go up the hierarchy - use same rules
          - local:: will bypass the set of special search rules - thats all
   Mike   - also ok with the word local
   Gord   - wants to ensure that the semantics of local:: are really clear
   Mark   - special syntax that can only be used for randomize with calls. 
   Gord   - can only be used in an inline constraint (inside the {})
   Mark   - fears that there would be a lot of unforeseen issues if we allow in 
	    other places. 
   Arturo - thought it could still be used for a method. OK to drop this if 
	    it would only cause more confusion. 
   Mike   - concerned that users would expect it to have special meaning. 
   Dave   - agreement reached to only allow local:: for constraint blocks 

Agreement was reached here on only allowing local:: for constraint blocks.
AI/Arturo - do the writeup for the local:: rules (that were just agreed to)

   Mike B - dropped off here. His issues were already covered.
   Gord   - typedef with a type parameter prefix
	  - extern methods for parameterized classes
   Mark   - thought we agreed on typedef points and we are ready for a proposal
   Gord   - thinks that is also the case
	  - if refer to a type in a class via a type 
	     typedef xx::name yyy;     // I didn't catch all of this 
   Arturo - thinks we already agreed to this. 

AI/Gord - writeup the typedef requirements 

    Gord  - extern methods for parameterized classes
	  - hierarchical references through modports 
    Mark  - main issue for extern class methods for parameterized classes 
	    was what keyword to use 
    Gord  - also default specialization for C::T used inside and outside a class
	  - the block form has the keyword issue
	  - the word extern had a lot of opposition
   Arturo - 'use    class'  - prefers this - it is a verb
   Gord   - 'inside class'  - prefers this form
   Gord   - leaning away from 'use class'
	    in C++ it opens up the scope, here we are reentering a scope
   Mark   - 'continue'
   FM     - can we use C:: to mean unspecialized class type
   Gord   - C - everywhere it is used as a type - treat as default specialization
	  - C obj;   // example - default specialization
    FM    - C   - could be used as default specialization 
	  - C:: - could mean a class scope
    Gord  - C:: - couldn't use it outside the context of a class
	  - appears that this would resolve all of the issues
	  - C:: - this form is the only special form
    Gord  - proposal 
	  - if have a parameterized class C
	    C:: - only legal in scope of parameterized class or in one of its 
		  extern methods. Only used for name disambiguation.
          - C#()::method() - this means default specialization
    Gord  - example - went out as an email during the meeting. 

	    class C #(int p = 1);
	       static int x;
	       typedef int T;

	    // declaring a variable outside of a class only defines a 
	    // single copy of that variable, and requires the specific 
	    // specialization of a parameterized class to be specified. 

	    C::T    y;           // illegal - C::T used outside of class
	    C#()::T z;           // ok      - default specialization used
	    initial C::x = 1;    // illegal - C::T used outside of class 
	    initial C#()::x = 1; // ok      - default specialization used

	    function C::T C::getX();  // one getX() for each C specialization
		return x;

	    function void C::setX(T newx);    // ok
		x = newx;

	    function void C::setX(C::T newx); // also ok
		x = newx;

    Mark  - is it legal to refer to the type parameter in the parameterized class
    Gord  - we can refer to C::p in the same places that we can refer to C::T
          - the whole question for the block form for extern class method 
	    declarations can be deferred, if we go with the solution used in 
	    the example above. 
    FM    - only an issue if the class is parameterized. 
    Gord  - yes, the type name and class name are the same in other cases.
          - currently the LRM has overloaded the class name and the default 
	    specialization, which had made C:: ambiguous. 
    Mark  - not sure if 100% backward compatible.
   Arturo - looks like implementations haven't taken a stand on this either way.
          - was in agreement with Gord's example
     Gord - if the rules are clear the implementors can explain it to users. 
	    <a big laugh was had by all>
   Arturo - the block form is an orthogonal issue

AI/Gord - writeup the C::T proposal

      Note: when we get back to the block form for extern methods the 
	    following existing keywords could be considered. This wasn't 
	    covered in the meeting, but I was looking this up while some of 
	    the discussion was taking place. (Neil)

    Gord  - this week and next week he will be tied up with the day job. 
	  - the week of the 19th (by the 26th) hope to have proposals. 
    Gord  - typedef C d;     // d is the default specification for d
    FM    - don't allow that typedef if C is parameterized
	    typedef C#() d;  // need to do this instead
    Gord  - should we allow a forward typedef for a parameterized class?
    Mark  - we do need to allow this, for same reasons as any other classes
    FM    - only tells you that it is a class name
	  - you need to specify a specialization to allow this. 
    Gord  - not philosophically opposed
	  - not sure if want to allow default special in this context. 
	  - initially uncomfortable with this. 
	  - more comfortable requiring explicit specialization for a 
	    parameterized class forward typedef. 
          - would need more time to think through the issues. 
	  - any reference to the forward typedef would need to have a 
	    specialization specified before defining the body. 
     Mark - thinks of a forward typedef as something from a typedef 
	    (which is just a name alias). 
	  - The forward typedef is just telling you it is a type name. 
   Arturo - telling you that it might be a typename
     Mark - for non-special classes it can be thought of this way. 
	  - can be used as a type name. 
     Gord - when a forward typedef to a parameterized class, don't know upfront 
	    if it is actually parameterized or not. 
     Mark - creates a hardship for the user. 
     Gord - today can't use :: operator into a forward typedef 
	    typedef C 
	    C#1         (?)
	    C    // is this ok? (when C is a parameterized class)
          - typedef C; 
          - forward typedefs are still somewhat opaque until finalized.
          - ok with allowing forward typedefs to parameterized classes
	    just not sure of what the rules should be yet.
     Mark - not sure why special treatment is required in this situation. 
     Dave - typedef C;
	    typedef C d;
          - renaming a type vs renaming a specialization
	  - Was describing the notion of an alias to a parameterized class name
     Gord - where to leave it
	  - ok to allow a forward typedef to parameterized class 
	  - less sure about allowing default specializations

AI/Mark - write up a proposal on the forward typedef stuff. 

     Gord - FM need to talk to people at Cadence - yes
     Mark - concerned about having to change existing code when adding a 
	    parameter to an existing class.
     Mark - we can try to go over what is written by next week in the svec
    Neil  - we have an svec meeting on the 26th 
	  - Dec 10th is our last meeting... 
Received on Mon Nov 5 18:41:45 2007

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