RE: [sv-bc] -dangles Proposal

From: Jonathan Bromley <jonathan.bromley_at_.....>
Date: Fri Jul 06 2007 - 02:13:31 PDT

As you're aware I'm not at all sure this should be a 
language feature - I'm of a mind to agree with Shalom
that it is something a linter should sort out.  Later in
this email I'll indicate a couple more things that might 
fly out of Pandora's box and start causing trouble.

However, if you wish to pursue it, could I at least
suggest that:
(a) you avoid the word "dangles", which lacks gravitas :-)
(b) you consider separating the detection of undriven
    and unloaded nodes (report_undriven, report_unloaded??)

Wearing my RTL designer's hat I invariably regard undriven 
nodes as a pernicious error, but I commonly create unloaded 
nodes and ports that I expect my synthesis tool to strip 
away; this is particularly true when designing re-usable, 
configurable blocks that may have optional features,
but it's also handy when I create satellite code in 
support of assertions (and that's another point: does
an assertion represent a sink of a signal?  What about 
a $display?  What about virtual interfaces, where sources
and sinks may not be known until runtime?  PLI arguments?).  

For such unloaded nodes, I don't really want to create 
artificial sinks just to keep a compiler directive happy; 
I'd far prefer to have a good lint tool and teach it about
specific nodes that I don't want it to check.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

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