RE: [sv-bc] logic A[ 2'b11<<1 ]

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Tue Oct 03 2006 - 11:04:45 PDT
>From: "Brad Pierce" <>

>The LRM says [size] means
>     [0:size-1]
>Looks like 32-bit arithmetic to me.

I don't believe it was the intent that the equivalence be taken that
far.  The text was just trying to say to subtract one, not to explicitly
subtract a 32-bit one.  They just used the simplest numeric literal for
one, and the same syntax that would have been used in C.  The issue of
width was probably not even considered in writing this.

The text says that it accepts a single number to specify the size of
the array.  In this case, that number is 2.  With your suggestion, this
form of the number 2 would cause the size to be something other than 2.
This would contradict the text.  Note that the statement saying it is
the same as [0:size-1] is prefixed with "That is," and is intended to
be explanatory.

To be more precise, this could be changed to [0:size-1'd1].  That would
make it more correct.  It would actually make it less clear to the
casual reader though.

Steven Sharp
Received on Tue Oct 3 11:04:56 2006

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