[sv-bc] Re: [sv-ec] Name resolution and imports

From: Neil Korpusik <Neil.Korpusik_at_.....>
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 17:04:32 PDT
Allowing a hierarchical reference to a variable imported into a module
instance seems to be equivalent to allowing a hierarchical reference to a
hierarchical reference. I don't believe that we want to allow this.

19.2.1 says the following

"The import statement provides direct visibility of identifiers within packages.
It allows identifiers declared within packages to be visible within the current
scope without a package name qualifier."

Doesn't this limit the visibility to the "current scope"? Anything declared
in the package isn't part of the scope it is imported into. It's just visible
to the importing scope, it isn't part of that scope.


Gordon Vreugdenhil wrote On 08/31/06 10:03,:
> All,
> The name resolution working group has encountered an issue that
> needs to be resolved at the committee level.  The issue is directly
> addressed by Mantis 1323 -- "are imported names visible to
> hierarchical references".  Mentor and Cadence have both taken
> the position that they are not; Synopsys has taken the position
> that they are.  This needs to be resolved quickly as implementations
> have (and will continue) to diverge.  This also impacts the issue
> of chained imports (is a symbol imported into a package available
> for import) which is also addressed by Mantis 1323.
> This issue has a direct bearing on back-annotation, pli, and
> related issues since it impacts what the system must present
> as members of a scope and whether hierarchical names for items
> in a design are unique or not.
> Currently Mantis 1323 is listed as a BC issue.  I'd like to have
> this issue be resolved asap due to the overall impact of the
> interpretation differences.
> Question:  should this immediately be elevated to the champions
> level or is it appropriate to leave for SV-BC?
> Independent of that decision, it would be worthwhile for people
> to speak to this from various perspectives so that we can
> make an informed decision.
> Gord

Neil Korpusik                                     Tel: 408-720-4852
Senior Staff Engineer                             Fax: 408-720-4850
Frontend Technologies - ASICs & Processors (FTAP)
Sun Microsystems
email: neil.korpusik@sun.com
Received on Thu Aug 31 17:05:02 2006

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