[sv-bc] Proposal for Mantis 1119: 19.3: Preprocessor macros within strings

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Mon Aug 14 2006 - 07:55:20 PDT
Here is a proposal for Mantis 1119:
In 1364-2005, add at the end of 19.3.1:
However, macro substitution and argument substiution shall not occur
within strings. For example,
module main; 
`define HI Hello 
`define LO "`HI, world" 
`define H(x) "Hello, x" 
initial begin
  $display("`HI, world"); 

will print: 

`HI, world

`HI, world 
Hello, x

Mantis - SystemVerilog Errata
Viewing Bug Advanced Details 	

ID: 	Category: 	Severity: 	Reproducibility: 	Date
Submitted: 	Last Update: 	
1119 	V-1364 	major 	always 	12-04-05 09:51 	08-14-06 07:18 	

Reporter: 	pieper 	Platform: 		 	
Assigned To: 	shalom 	OS: 		 	
Priority: 	normal 	OS Version: 		 	
Status: 	assigned 	Product Version: 		 	
Product Build: 		Resolution: 	open 	 	
Projection: 	none 	Duplicate ID: 		 	
ETA: 	none 	 	
Type: 	Errata 	

Summary: 	19.3: Preprocessor macros within strings 	
Description: 	Was:

I'm searching in the IEEE1364-2001 for the statement or string of
statements that says that preprocessor macros cannot appear in strings.
I'm not finding such a thing. Here's an example: 

module main; 
`define HI Hello 
initial $display("`HI, world."); 

Should I expect to print: 

`HI, world 

Or should substitution be done, to get: 

Hello, world. 

The standard says "The text specified for macro text shall not be 
split across the following lexical tokens: ..." and includes strings. 
But macro text can clearly be a complete string, number, whatever. 

I believe the intent is that macro substitution *not* happen within 
lexical strings. Otherwise, absurdities can occur. This should be 
said explicitly. Perhaps this note can be added: 

NOTE: Strings are lexical units, so macros are not expanded or 
recognized within quoted strings. For example, "`HI, world" is 
not scanned for directives or macros. 
Steve Williams
steve at icarus.com
Steps To Reproduce: 		
Additional Information: 	From: Stephen Williams
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 17:30:42 -0700 

module main; 
`define HI Hello 
initial $display("`HI, world."); 

Actually, here I am following up to my own errata report. It appears 
that at least one compiler in the wild (besides Icarus Verilog) does 
indeed do macro substitution within strings. 


This suggests that I'm not losing it completely, and perhaps macro 
substitution within strings is legal. That's tricky business. To wit: 

`define foo "Hello" 
initial $display("`foo makes a mess"); 

One might simply call this a You-get-what-you-deserve type of coding 
error, given my original observation that it is not explicitly 
prohibited, and in this case macro expansion within strings should 
be explicitly allowed within strings. 

NOTE: Macros are substituted within lexical strings. A macro 
value that contains double-quote characters may therefore cause 
an error if it is itself (or if it contains) a quoted string, 
as the double-quotes within the macro would interfere with the 
lexical string itself. 

Personally, I prefer not allowing macro substitution within strings. 

From: Michael McNamara <mac@verisity.com> 
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 16:37:29 -0700 

Macros have always been substituted in strings in Verilog, since time 
began (I'm looking at a Verilog-XL 1.1a manual (March 1987), where 
this is documented on page 2-6). 

From: Stephen Williams <steve@icarus.com> 
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:35:02 -0700 

mac@verisity.com said: 
> Macros have always been substituted in strings in Verilog, since time 
> began (I'm looking at a Verilog-XL 1.1a manual (March 1987), where 
> this is documented on page 2-6). 

That may be so, but I'm going by the written standard which is 
slightly vague on this matter. I don't have access to the expensive 
tools for comparison purposes, nor should the standard be left to 
lore, word-of-mouth and bug-compatibility. 

Anyhow, I'm just trying to make it language-lawyer clear. The current 
wording managed to confuse this C programmer twice. 

From: Shalom Bresticker <Shalom.Bresticker@motorola.com> 
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:38:26 +0300 

Michael McNamara wrote: 

> Macros have always been substituted in strings in Verilog, since time 
> began (I'm looking at a Verilog-XL 1.1a manual (March 1987), where 
> this is documented on page 2-6). 

Such a statement does not appear in the Verilog-XL 5.0 manual, 
nor does it simulate that way in VXL 4.0: 

`define QQ aaaa 
module qq; 
$display(" `QQ "); 

The result is: 

From: Shalom Bresticker <Shalom.Bresticker@motorola.com> 
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:48:57 +0300 

> The standard says "The text specified for macro text shall not be 
> split across the following lexical tokens: ..." and includes strings. 
> But macro text can clearly be a complete string, number, whatever. 

So I have interpreted that statement to mean that just as you can not
write an 
identifier name as: 

aa`BBBcc (although we would like to be able to do so) 

then you can also not write 

"aa `BBB cc" 

From: Steven Sharp <sharp@cadence.com> 
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:40:13 -0400 (EDT) 

> Macros have always been substituted in strings in Verilog, since time 
> began (I'm looking at a Verilog-XL 1.1a manual (March 1987), where 
> this is documented on page 2-6). 

Mac, can you quote the text you are referring to from the 1.1a manual? 
The earliest I have is a 1.6c manual from June 1993, which doesn't say 
anything about it. The OVI 2.0 LRM from March 1993 also doesn't say 
anything about it. 

At any rate, a current version of Verilog-XL does not substitute macros
in strings. This might be a situation where Verilog has evolved since
time began. 	
Attached Files: 		

Bug Notes 	

08-13-06 05:34    	
See 1338. 	
Received on Mon Aug 14 07:55:59 2006

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