Re: [sv-bc] default port values

From: Brad Pierce <Brad.Pierce_at_.....>
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 06:48:48 PDT
The following is not an answer, but just some details about what is
currently allowed by the LRM.


In Verilog, you can initialize a variable output port just like any
other variable.  For example,


     module m #(parameter N=8)(input [N-1:0] i, output integer o =




is the same as


     module m #(parameter N=8)(input [N-1:0] i, output integer o);

     initial o = f(N);




In Verilog, input ports cannot be variables.  In SystemVerilog they can
be, but they cannot be initialized.


See Footnote 25 of IEEE SV LRM --


      25) ...  It shall be illegal to initialize a port that is not a
variable output port.


-- Brad




From: [] On Behalf Of
Feldman, Yulik
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:42 AM
Cc: Patkin, Guy; Alsop, Thomas R
Subject: [sv-bc] default port values




Is there a good reason why SV doesn't allow default values for ports,
like it allows default values for function/task arguments? Is this
feature missing because there was no request to add it to the language,
or because there was some legitimate reason not to add it? I remember
some old discussion about it, but I can't find the thread.



Received on Thu May 25 06:48:38 2006

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