RE: [sv-bc] Re: [sv-ec] No event triggers in functions?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 14:54:26 PDT
>Same problem with output arguments of functions, or anything local to an
>automatic function. So pretty much an NBA would have to be a side-effect
>to the function.

Anything local to an automatic function (including arguments and the
return value) is an automatic variable (unless explicitly declared as
static) and already can't be assigned with an NBA.

The issue with output arguments already exists for task arguments, since
NBAs are legal in tasks.  If the task returned immediately after executing
the NBA, then the same problem would occur.  I have not seen this come up
as a problem for any users.

Steven Sharp
Received on Wed May 3 14:54:37 2006

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