Re: [sv-ec] RE: [sv-bc] RE: Can a function contain a fork/join/any/none?

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <gordonv_at_.....>
Date: Wed Mar 22 2006 - 07:26:45 PST
Steven Sharp wrote:

>>From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <>
>>I think that the statement "functions are not supposed
>>to interact with the scheduler" was intended to mean
>>"functions are not supposed to be able to direct the
>>scheduler to suspend the current thread".  The latter
>>is certainly true.
> Not quite, at least according to the LRM.  If it were true,
> then we could clearly rule out the legality of fork...join
> and fork...join_any inside functions based on it.  Both of
> them direct the scheduler to suspend the current thread to
> to wait for all or some of the subprocesses to complete.

The rules for these forms are yet to be defined.

I don't have any problem with thread *dispatch* within a
function; I do have a problem with having functions suspend
the thread that enabled the function.

The implication is that I would be in favor of any
construct inside a fork..join_none and would also accept
fork..join  blocks which respect function restrictions (meaning
they would be equivalent to a series of sequential blocks and
don't really need to be described as suspending).

I would have problems with a fork..join_any since either
the blocks respect the function restrictions (meaning that the
construct is essentially useless since a simulator could then just
pick one of the "threads" arbitrarily and never actually suspend)
or they don't respect the restrictions in which case
you could have "fork #10; join_any;" and you might as well
throw away any restriction on function behavior.

My working rule here is that if the function must "wait"
for a thread then the thread must be expressable as
a valid sequential block within the function.  This approach
seems to me to be a reasonable compromise between allowing
functions such as "new" to create threads while not
opening the door for real thread suspensions within

> If you believe that it *should* be true, then it is a reason
> why these fork statements should not be allowed in functions.

Or, as I outlined above, the restrictions on the fork..join
constructs do not require suspension in the context of

>>Functions are not guaranteed
>>to be "atomic" in the sense of requiring a scheduler
>>to guarantee that no intervening action occurs.  Given:
>>  int x,y,z;
>>  function void f;
>>    y = x;
>>    z = x;
>>  endfunction
>>  initial f();
>>  initial begin x = 1; x = 2; end
>>It would be valid for an implementation to have y and z
>>end up with different values.  Most users would likely
>>be both surprised by this and would immediately send
>>in support mail saying "your simulator is broken".
> And I would agree with them, regardless of what the LRM says.

So would I in the sense of being able to *sell* such a simulator,
but as your earlier post agreed, such an interpretation is
LRM compliant.  It is perhaps not "intent compliant" but that is
a different question (see below).

> The LRM goes overboard in allowing arbitrary interleaving of
> processes.  If we really accepted those sections of the LRM
> as the concurrency model of Verilog, then there would be very
> little valid Verilog code out there.  With no operations
> that can be assumed to be atomic, it would be very difficult to
> write anything that was guaranteed to work.

But it is getting easier to deal with this now.  For example,
if you either capture "x" in an internal decl inside an
unnamed block or if you passed "x" in as an argument to
an automatic function then there is no possibility of
unintentional interleaving as my example discussed.  Yes,
this means that legacy code has issues.  I would contend
that we are better off having *mechanism* that allows the
user to have stronger guarantees and *policy* that does
not *require* those stronger guarantees in all scenarios.

I suspect that it would be difficult to disallow the above
situation while allowing other scenarios (such as the
inlined continuous assignment you mentioned in your previous
post).  Of course, if you would like to propose a specific
set of rules, that would make it easier to discuss
potential impact.

Simulation implementations are always free to provide stronger
guarantees (which could be a selling point if you wish), but
over constraining the simulation semantics into a much more
sequential form is likely not in the best long-term interests
of the community.

Fundamentally, I don't think that the LRM definition is
really all that "wrong".  In this area, I would be much
more concerned about over-constraining the semantics then
I am about under-constraining the semantics.

> I agree with you that users often rely on particular behavior
> from designs with race conditions, and that they should not.
> Scheduling order is not guaranteed, and should not be.
> But if users have to write code that assumes process execution
> could be interleaved in a completely arbitrary way, that is too
> much of a burden.
 > Steven Sharp

I would not be opposed to trying to find a decent mid-point
but I don't think it will be at all easy, particularly if you
don't want to disallow other situations which (semantically)
can only be described as a process suspension.


Gordon Vreugdenhil                                503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Wed Mar 22 07:26:48 2006

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