RE: [sv-bc] white space at the end of macro text

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 17:22:16 PST
>Strictly, you could not just omit the quotes around York. Then it would
>not be a valid expression, which the BNF in principle requires. See
>Mantis 1333.

You mean because it is an undeclared identifier?  It could be argued
that it still has the syntax of an expression; it would just fail the
semantic check for previous declaration, which will never be done.

If this were not allowed, the '' extension would be less useful.
You use it to paste the argument onto some more text to make an
identifier, so the argument alone may not be a declared identifier.

I agree that the rules are too strict.  Actual treatment of arguments
is pretty much as arbitrary text.  There needs to be enough special
handling to allow commas within concats and function calls to be
treated as part of the argument, not as argument separators.  And
string literals should be treated as a single token, so that braces,
parens and commas inside quotes are not interpreted as part of concats,
function calls or argument separators.

Steven Sharp
Received on Tue Mar 21 17:22:20 2006

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