RE: [sv-bc] Mantis 1345: 10.4: "illegal" unique if/case issues

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Fri Feb 24 2006 - 14:01:25 PST
>From: "Bresticker, Shalom" <>

>2. Regarding side-effects, I was thinking along the same lines as
>Steven, I think. Define unique assuming no side-effects exist. State
>explicitly something like, "If side-effects exist, results may be

While I don't have a big problem with it, since side-effects are just
plain bad, others might consider this wording to allow too much latitude
when they occur.

Since "indeterminate" allows pretty much anything, it allows some things
that you would not expect.  It allows producing a warning even if no
evaluation order can result in multiple matching case items.  It allows
not producing a warning even if all evaluation orders would result in
multiple matching case items.  It might even allow selecting a case item
that is not matched for any evaluation order.

Perhaps wording more like "Since the order of evaluation of the case item
expressions is undefined, expression side-effects may cause indeterminate

Steven Sharp
Received on Fri Feb 24 14:01:36 2006

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