Re: [sv-bc] endtask/function/module/interface :identifier

From: Brad Pierce <Brad.Pierce_at_.....>
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 08:11:47 PST


Other end-bracketing keywords that can be followed by a matching
identifier are: endprogram, endclass, endpackage, endconfig,
endproperty, endsequence, endgroup, endprimitive, endclocking.

Also, don't forget named generate begin-end blocks.

-- Brad


From: [] On Behalf Of
Bresticker, Shalom
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:52 AM
Subject: [sv-bc] endtask/function/module/interface :identifier



SV adds to the BNF the ability to follow an endtask, endfunction,
endmodule, and endinterface with ": identifier", as described in 10.8
for end at the end of a named block.

However, in contrast to 10.8, this ability seems nowhere to be described
in the text (except for endinterface), which is significant because it
is a change from Verilog.


Further, it does not seem to state anywhere that it shall be an error if
the identifier following the endxxx does not match the name of the




Shalom Bresticker

Intel Jerusalem LAD DA

+972 2 589-6852

+972 54 721-1033

I don't represent Intel


Received on Wed Feb 22 08:12:00 2006

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