Re: [sv-bc] const constants

From: Brad Pierce <Brad.Pierce_at_.....>
Date: Tue Feb 14 2006 - 15:20:30 PST

The LRM would be clearer if it referred to 'const'-qualified variables
as "write-once variables", instead of as "constants" or "read-only
variables" (7.18).

Each instance of an SV write-once variable must be written exactly once,
after the design has been elaborated and before the variable instance is
read.  (By saying 'instance' here, I am trying to take into account that
a new instance of an automatic variable is created each time its scope
is entered at run-time.)  It would be a help to state this rule more
explicitly.  In particular, 7.18 should clarify that is a run-time error
to read an "instance constant" before it is written.

-- Brad
Received on Tue Feb 14 15:20:39 2006

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