[sv-bc] $ as a parameter value

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Tue Feb 14 2006 - 03:57:16 PST
Hi, says,

"The value $ can be assigned to parameters of integer types. A parameter to which $ is assigned shall only be
used wherever $ can be specified as a literal constant."


"To support whether a constant is $, a system function is provided to test whether a constant is a $. The syntax
of the system function is
$isunbounded returns true if const_expression is unbounded. Typically, $isunbounded would be used as
a condition in the generate statement."

What bothers me is that $ can be used for other things as well as unbounded range specification.

For example, 8.19 (Set membership) says,

"A range can be specified with a low and high bound enclosed by square braces [ ] and separated by a colon
( : ), as in [low_bound:high_bound]. A bound specified by $ shall represent the lowest or highest value
for the type of the expression on the left-hand side."


Can I use a parameter set to $ in a range with 'inside' operator?

Presumably, the parameter itself has no idea whether it is going to be used in an assertion time range or in a set membership expression. Presumably, also, the $isunbounded function has no idea how the const_expression argument is going to be used.

Does this mean that the name '$isunbounded' is misleading and represents only one possible meaning of $ ?

Shalom Bresticker
Intel Jerusalem LAD DA
+972 2 589-6852
+972 54 721-1033
I don't represent Intel 
Received on Tue Feb 14 03:57:23 2006

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