Re: [sv-bc] Typing of parameter assignments

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Tue Feb 07 2006 - 12:17:13 PST
>From: "Brad Pierce" <>

>However, as Gord says, "assignment-like context" is only relevant to
>assignment patterns.  For example, although the argument of a static
>cast is evaluated in the context of an assignment to a variable of the
>result type, an assignment pattern is not legal as the argument of a
>static cast, because a static cast is not an "assignment-like context".

OK, so an "assignment-like context" implies evaluation in the context
of the LHS, but not being an "assignment-like context" does not imply
that evaluation is not done in the context of the LHS.

So a defparam is not an "assignment-like context".  It can still be
evaluated in the context of the LHS, which is what makes sense.

Steven Sharp
Received on Tue Feb 7 12:17:17 2006

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