RE: [sv-ec] Re: [sv-bc] Opinion on merging of P1364 and P1800

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Jan 30 2006 - 15:14:48 PST
>From: "Michael \(Mac\) McNamara" <>

>There is certainly truth to this (importance of fixing current P1800
>However I expect the act of merging the standards will reveal additional
>errata, as text intended to describe the same thing or interacting
>things is brought together, and the ill-fitting seams become evident.

I agree that integrating the standards will reveal problems.  However,
I don't agree that this is the best thing to do first.  In other areas
such as hardware and software design, it is generally best to debug
the separate components/units as much as possible, before trying to
integrate them together.

>We have a very well qualified estimate from the most knowledgeable
>person on the planet that such an effort would require 6 man weeks.  

I don't believe that estimate takes into account the issue that you
have raised above.  There will be problems revealed by the attempt
to merge, and some of those will require decisions by the committee.
That will take calendar time, and will take committee resources that
might be better spent on higher priority errata within 1800.

If the merging is a pure text merge, without really integrating the
sections fully, then it has minimal value compared to just publishing
the two LRMs in a single binder.  If the merging is done at the level
that would be useful, then it will require far more technical input
from the committees than this estimate allows for.

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon Jan 30 15:14:55 2006

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