Re: [sv-bc] Is member of recursive task/function hierarchically referred?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Jan 30 2006 - 14:40:07 PST
To echo what Shalom and the erratum said:

Whether a variable declared in a task/function can be referenced
hierarchically has nothing to do with whether that task/function
is called recursively or not.  It is based on whether that
task/function is declared automatic (which makes its variables
automatic).  A static variable can be referenced hierarchically,
but an automatic variable cannot.  It is that simple.

Now it isn't a good idea to call a task/function recursively or
reentrantly unless it is automatic, but that doesn't affect whether
the variables can b referenced hierarchically.  It just explains
why the term "recursive" was misused in some places in the LRM when
what was really meant was automatic.

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon Jan 30 14:40:21 2006

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