[sv-bc] 10.4: conditional_statement syntax

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Mon Jan 02 2006 - 02:09:30 PST
In 10.4, the syntax of conditional_statement is:

conditional_statement ::=
  if ( cond_predicate ) statement_or_null [ else statement_or_null ]
| unique_priority_if_statement

unique_priority_if_statement ::=
  [ unique_priority ] if ( cond_predicate ) statement_or_null
  { else if ( cond_predicate ) statement_or_null }
  [ else statement_or_null ]

unique_priority ::= unique | priority

Isn't the first line of conditional_statement included in unique_priority_if_statement ? Why do we need an additional, redundant production? unique_priority_if_statement could simply be renamed to conditional_statement.


Shalom Bresticker
Intel Jerusalem LAD DA
+972 2 589-6852
+972 54 721-1033
I don't represent Intel 
Received on Mon Jan 2 02:09:36 2006

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