Re: [sv-bc] Function call without parenthesis

From: Paul Graham <pgraham_at_.....>
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 11:07:16 PST
> This is a backward incompatible change. Can you provide the technical
> justification for this? I'm not saying there is no justification; just
> that it needs to be explained for us to move on it. So far I have heard
> nothing other than editorial comments.

Sure.  It will be easier to implement.  Implementors can get
their job done faster.  Tools will come to market sooner.
Designers will spend less time scratching their heads over these
rules and can start using SV sooner.

While this change is not backwards compatible with the
existing P1800 lrm, I bet that very few real designs use
the non-parenthesized function call feature, so removal
of this feature should not have much negative impact.

Received on Wed Dec 14 11:07:24 2005

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