RE: [sv-bc] Is an unnamed block with declarations a scope?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 12:10:06 PDT
>From: "Mark Hartoog" <>

>A related issue to this is the naming of unnamed scopes. Even if you
>cannot use heirachical names to access variables in unnamed blocks,
>they still might appear in dump files and wave form displays, where
>they need to be given a unique name. I think this can be accomplished
>by just making up names for the unnamed scopes, similar to what is
>done for unnamed generate blocks. I'm not sure it is an important
>issue to standardize that naming convention across tools. 

It could be handy for things like tools that compare dump files with
each other.  The value is the same as for unnamed generate blocks.
It is not a huge benefit, but then the cost of defining a standard
name is essentially zero, so the benefit/cost ratio is high.

Steven Sharp
Received on Thu Aug 11 12:10:15 2005

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